set set set XX@NS set bogus boguspass #delay 10 set NFR 0 as XX@NS # TC_Wild.10.0.POS Validate NS ok ns list name com.att.test.TC_Wild.@[] ** Expect 200 ** List Namespaces by Name[com.att.test.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER]] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** Namespace Not Found *** # TC_Wild.10.1.POS Create Namespace with valid IDs and Responsible Parties ns create com.att.TC_Wild.@[] @[] ** Expect 201 ** Created Namespace # TC_Wild.10.10.POS Create a clean MechID user cred add m99999@@[] aNewPass8 ** Expect 201 ** Added Credential [m99999@@[THE_USER]] set m99999@@[THE_USER] aNewPass8 as XX@NS # TC_Wild.10.11.POS Create role and assign MechID to role create com.att.TC_Wild.@[].service m99999@@[] ** Expect 201 ** Created Role Added User [m99999@@[THE_USER]] to Role [com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER].service] as m99999@@[THE_USER] # TC_Wild.20.1.NEG Fail to create a perm in NS perm create com.att.TC_Wild.@[].myType myInstance myAction ** Expect 403 ** Failed [SVC1403]: Forbidden - [m99999@@[THE_USER]] may not write Perm [com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER].myType|myInstance|myAction] # TC_Wild.20.3.POS Add "access perm" based Wild Card with specific Action as XX@NS perm create com.att.TC_Wild.@[].access :perm:myType:*:myAction write com.att.TC_Wild.@[].service ** Expect 201 ** Created Permission Granted Permission [com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER].access|:perm:myType:*:myAction|write] to Role [com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER].service] # TC_Wild.20.5.POS Print Perms perm list user m99999@@[] ** Expect 200 ** List Permissions by User[m99999@@[THE_USER]] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERM Type Instance Action -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER].access :perm:myType:*:myAction write # TC_Wild.20.7.POS Now able to create a perm in NS as m99999@@[THE_USER] perm create com.att.TC_Wild.@[].myType myInstance myAction ** Expect 201 ** Created Permission # TC_Wild.20.8.POS Print Perms as XX@NS perm list ns com.att.TC_Wild.@[] ** Expect 200 ** List Perms by NS [com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER]] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERM Type Instance Action -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER].access * * com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER].access * read com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER].access :perm:myType:*:myAction write com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER].myType myInstance myAction # TC_Wild.20.10.POS Delete Perms Created force perm delete com.att.TC_Wild.@[].access :perm:myType:*:myAction write ** Expect 200 ** Deleted Permission force perm delete com.att.TC_Wild.@[].myType myInstance myAction ** Expect 200 ** Deleted Permission as m99999@@[THE_USER] # TC_Wild.21.1.NEG Fail to create a perm in NS perm create com.att.TC_Wild.@[].myType myInstance myAction ** Expect 403 ** Failed [SVC1403]: Forbidden - [m99999@@[THE_USER]] may not write Perm [com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER].myType|myInstance|myAction] # TC_Wild.21.3.POS Add "access perm" based Wild Card with specific Action as XX@NS perm create com.att.TC_Wild.@[].access :perm:myType:*:* write com.att.TC_Wild.@[].service ** Expect 201 ** Created Permission Granted Permission [com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER].access|:perm:myType:*:*|write] to Role [com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER].service] # TC_Wild.21.5.POS Print Perms perm list user m99999@@[] ** Expect 200 ** List Permissions by User[m99999@@[THE_USER]] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERM Type Instance Action -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER].access :perm:myType:*:* write # TC_Wild.21.7.POS Now able to create a perm in NS as m99999@@[THE_USER] perm create com.att.TC_Wild.@[].myType myInstance myAction ** Expect 201 ** Created Permission # TC_Wild.21.8.POS Print Perms as XX@NS perm list ns com.att.TC_Wild.@[] ** Expect 200 ** List Perms by NS [com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER]] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERM Type Instance Action -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER].access * * com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER].access * read com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER].access :perm:myType:*:* write com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER].myType myInstance myAction # TC_Wild.21.10.POS Delete Perms Created force perm delete com.att.TC_Wild.@[].access :perm:myType:*:* write ** Expect 200 ** Deleted Permission force perm delete com.att.TC_Wild.@[].myType myInstance myAction ** Expect 200 ** Deleted Permission as m99999@@[THE_USER] # TC_Wild.30.1.NEG Fail to create a role in NS role create com.att.TC_Wild.@[].tool.myRole ** Expect 403 ** Failed [SVC1403]: Forbidden - [m99999@@[THE_USER]] may not write Role [com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER].tool.myRole] # TC_Wild.30.3.POS Add "access role" based Wild Card with specific Action as XX@NS perm create com.att.TC_Wild.@[].access :role:tool.* write com.att.TC_Wild.@[].service ** Expect 201 ** Created Permission Granted Permission [com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER].access|:role:tool.*|write] to Role [com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER].service] # TC_Wild.30.5.POS Print Perms perm list user m99999@@[] ** Expect 200 ** List Permissions by User[m99999@@[THE_USER]] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERM Type Instance Action -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER].access :role:tool.* write # TC_Wild.30.7.POS Now able to create a role in NS as m99999@@[THE_USER] role create com.att.TC_Wild.@[].tool.myRole ** Expect 201 ** Created Role # TC_Wild.30.8.POS Print Perms as XX@NS role list ns com.att.TC_Wild.@[] ** Expect 200 ** List Roles by NS [com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER]] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROLE Name PERM Type Instance Action -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER].admin com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER].access * * com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER].owner com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER].access * read com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER].service com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER].access :role:tool.* write com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER].tool.myRole # TC_Wild.30.10.POS Delete Perms Created force perm delete com.att.TC_Wild.@[].access :role:tool.* write ** Expect 200 ** Deleted Permission force role delete com.att.TC_Wild.@[].tool.myRole ** Expect 200 ** Deleted Role as m99999@@[THE_USER] # TC_Wild.31.1.NEG Fail to create a role in NS role create com.att.TC_Wild.@[].tool.myRole ** Expect 403 ** Failed [SVC1403]: Forbidden - [m99999@@[THE_USER]] may not write Role [com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER].tool.myRole] # TC_Wild.31.3.POS Add "access role" based Wild Card with specific Action as XX@NS perm create com.att.TC_Wild.@[].access :role:* write com.att.TC_Wild.@[].service ** Expect 201 ** Created Permission Granted Permission [com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER].access|:role:*|write] to Role [com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER].service] # TC_Wild.31.5.POS Print Perms perm list user m99999@@[] ** Expect 200 ** List Permissions by User[m99999@@[THE_USER]] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERM Type Instance Action -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER].access :role:* write # TC_Wild.31.7.POS Now able to create a role in NS as m99999@@[THE_USER] role create com.att.TC_Wild.@[].tool.myRole ** Expect 201 ** Created Role # TC_Wild.31.8.POS Print Perms as XX@NS role list ns com.att.TC_Wild.@[] ** Expect 200 ** List Roles by NS [com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER]] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROLE Name PERM Type Instance Action -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER].admin com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER].access * * com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER].owner com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER].access * read com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER].service com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER].access :role:* write com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER].tool.myRole # TC_Wild.31.10.POS Delete Perms Created force perm delete com.att.TC_Wild.@[].access :role:* write ** Expect 200 ** Deleted Permission force role delete com.att.TC_Wild.@[].tool.myRole ** Expect 200 ** Deleted Role as m99999@@[THE_USER] # TC_Wild.32.1.NEG Fail to create a role in NS role create com.att.TC_Wild.@[].tool.myRole ** Expect 403 ** Failed [SVC1403]: Forbidden - [m99999@@[THE_USER]] may not write Role [com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER].tool.myRole] # TC_Wild.32.3.POS Add "access role" based Wild Card with specific Action as XX@NS perm create com.att.TC_Wild.@[].access :role:* * com.att.TC_Wild.@[].service ** Expect 201 ** Created Permission Granted Permission [com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER].access|:role:*|*] to Role [com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER].service] # TC_Wild.32.5.POS Print Perms as m99999@@[THE_USER] perm list user m99999@@[] ** Expect 200 ** List Permissions by User[m99999@@[THE_USER]] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERM Type Instance Action -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER].access :role:* * # TC_Wild.32.7.POS Now able to create a role in NS role create com.att.TC_Wild.@[].tool.myRole ** Expect 201 ** Created Role # TC_Wild.32.8.POS May Print Role role list role com.att.TC_Wild.@[].tool.myRole ** Expect 200 ** List Roles for Role[com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER].tool.myRole] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROLE Name PERM Type Instance Action -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER].tool.myRole as XX@NS # TC_Wild.32.10.POS Delete Perms Created force perm delete com.att.TC_Wild.@[].access :role:* * ** Expect 200 ** Deleted Permission force role delete com.att.TC_Wild.@[].tool.myRole ** Expect 200 ** Deleted Role as m99999@@[THE_USER] # TC_Wild.50.1.NEG Fail to create a perm in NS perm create com.att.TC_Wild.@[].myType myInstance myAction ** Expect 403 ** Failed [SVC1403]: Forbidden - [m99999@@[THE_USER]] may not write Perm [com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER].myType|myInstance|myAction] # TC_Wild.50.3.POS Add "access perm" based Wild Card with specific Action as XX@NS perm create com.att.aaf.ns :com.att.*:perm:myType:*:* write com.att.TC_Wild.@[].service ** Expect 201 ** Created Permission Granted Permission [com.att.aaf.ns|:com.att.*:perm:myType:*:*|write] to Role [com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER].service] # TC_Wild.50.5.POS Print Perms perm list user m99999@@[] ** Expect 200 ** List Permissions by User[m99999@@[THE_USER]] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERM Type Instance Action -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- com.att.aaf.ns :com.att.*:perm:myType:*:* write # TC_Wild.50.7.POS Now able to create a perm in NS as m99999@@[THE_USER] perm create com.att.TC_Wild.@[].myType myInstance myAction ** Expect 201 ** Created Permission # TC_Wild.50.8.POS Print Perms as XX@NS perm list ns com.att.TC_Wild.@[] ** Expect 200 ** List Perms by NS [com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER]] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERM Type Instance Action -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER].access * * com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER].access * read com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER].myType myInstance myAction # TC_Wild.50.10.POS Delete Perms Created force perm delete com.att.aaf.ns :com.att.*:perm:myType:*:* write ** Expect 200 ** Deleted Permission force perm delete com.att.TC_Wild.@[].myType myInstance myAction ** Expect 200 ** Deleted Permission as m99999@@[THE_USER] # TC_Wild.51.1.NEG Fail to create a role in NS role create com.att.TC_Wild.@[].tool.myRole ** Expect 403 ** Failed [SVC1403]: Forbidden - [m99999@@[THE_USER]] may not write Role [com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER].tool.myRole] # TC_Wild.51.3.POS Add "access role" based Wild Card with specific Action as XX@NS perm create com.att.aaf.ns :com.att.*:role:tool.* write com.att.TC_Wild.@[].service ** Expect 201 ** Created Permission Granted Permission [com.att.aaf.ns|:com.att.*:role:tool.*|write] to Role [com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER].service] # TC_Wild.51.5.POS Print Perms perm list user m99999@@[] ** Expect 200 ** List Permissions by User[m99999@@[THE_USER]] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERM Type Instance Action -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- com.att.aaf.ns :com.att.*:role:tool.* write # TC_Wild.51.7.POS Now able to create a role in NS as m99999@@[THE_USER] role create com.att.TC_Wild.@[].tool.myRole ** Expect 201 ** Created Role # TC_Wild.51.8.POS Print Perms as XX@NS role list ns com.att.TC_Wild.@[] ** Expect 200 ** List Roles by NS [com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER]] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROLE Name PERM Type Instance Action -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER].admin com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER].access * * com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER].owner com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER].access * read com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER].service com.att.aaf.ns :com.att.*:role:tool.* write com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER].tool.myRole # TC_Wild.51.10.POS Delete Perms Created force perm delete com.att.aaf.ns :com.att.*:role:tool.* write ** Expect 200 ** Deleted Permission force role delete com.att.TC_Wild.@[].tool.myRole ** Expect 200 ** Deleted Role as m99999@@[THE_USER] # TC_Wild.52.1.NEG Fail to create a NS ns create com.test.TC_Wild.@[] @[] ** Expect 403 ** Failed [SVC1403]: Forbidden - [m99999@@[THE_USER]] may not write in NS [com.test] # TC_Wild.52.3.POS Add "access role" based Wild Card with specific Action as XX@NS perm create com.att.aaf.ns :com.test:ns write com.att.TC_Wild.@[].service ** Expect 201 ** Created Permission Granted Permission [com.att.aaf.ns|:com.test:ns|write] to Role [com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER].service] # TC_Wild.52.5.POS Print Perms perm list user m99999@@[] ** Expect 200 ** List Permissions by User[m99999@@[THE_USER]] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERM Type Instance Action -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- com.att.aaf.ns :com.test:ns write # TC_Wild.52.7.POS Now able to create an NS as m99999@@[THE_USER] ns create com.test.TC_Wild.@[] @[] ** Expect 201 ** Created Namespace # TC_Wild.52.8.POS Print Perms as XX@NS ns list name com.test.TC_Wild.@[] ** Expect 200 ** List Namespaces by Name[com.test.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER]] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- com.test.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER] Administrators Responsible Parties @[THE_USER] Roles com.test.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER].admin com.test.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER].owner Permissions com.test.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER].access * * com.test.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER].access * read # TC_Wild.52.10.POS Delete Perms Created force perm delete com.att.aaf.ns :com.test:ns write ** Expect 200 ** Deleted Permission force ns delete com.test.TC_Wild.@[] ** Expect 200 ** Deleted Namespace as XX@NS # TC_Wild.99.80.POS Cleanup force perm delete com.att.aaf.ns :com.att.*:perm:*:* write ** Expect 200,404 ** Failed [SVC4404]: Not Found - Permission [com.att.aaf.ns|:com.att.*:perm:*:*|write] does not exist # TC_Wild.99.81.POS Cleanup force perm delete com.att.aaf.ns :com.att.*:perm:*:* * ** Expect 200,404 ** Failed [SVC4404]: Not Found - Permission [com.att.aaf.ns|:com.att.*:perm:*:*|*] does not exist # TC_Wild.99.82.POS Cleanup force perm delete com.att.aaf.ns :com.att.*:role:* write ** Expect 200,404 ** Failed [SVC4404]: Not Found - Permission [com.att.aaf.ns|:com.att.*:role:*|write] does not exist # TC_Wild.99.83.POS Cleanup force perm delete com.att.aaf.ns :com.test:ns write ** Expect 200,404 ** Failed [SVC4404]: Not Found - Permission [com.att.aaf.ns|:com.test:ns|write] does not exist # TC_Wild.99.90.POS Cleanup force ns delete com.test.TC_Wild.@[] ** Expect 200,404 ** Failed [SVC2404]: Not Found - com.test.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER] does not exist # TC_Wild.99.91.POS Cleanup force ns delete com.att.TC_Wild.@[] ** Expect 200,404 ** Deleted Namespace # TC_Wild.99.99.POS List to prove clean Namespaces ns list name com.att.TC_Wild.@[] ** Expect 200,404 ** List Namespaces by Name[com.att.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER]] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** Namespace Not Found *** ns list name com.test.TC_Wild.@[] ** Expect 200,404 ** List Namespaces by Name[com.test.TC_Wild.@[THE_USER]] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** Namespace Not Found ***