as # TC_Cred1.10.0.POS List NS to prove ok expect 200 ns list name com.test.TC_Cred1.@[] # TC_Cred1.10.1.POS Create Personalized Namespace to add Credentials expect 201 ns create com.test.TC_Cred1.@[] @[] # TC_Cred1.10.10.POS Create role to assign mechid perm to expect 201 role create com.test.TC_Cred1.@[].cred_admin role create com.test.TC_Cred1.@[].pw_reset # TC_Cred1.10.11.POS Assign roles to perms as XX@NS expect 201 perm create com.att.aaf.password com.test reset com.test.TC_Cred1.@[].pw_reset perm create com.att.aaf.mechid com.test create com.test.TC_Cred1.@[].cred_admin perm grant com.att.aaf.mechid com.att create com.test.TC_Cred1.@[].cred_admin as # TC_Cred1.10.30.POS Assign user for creating creds expect 201 user cred add m99999@@[] password123 set m99999@@[] # TC_Cred1.10.31.POS Credential used to similate non-admin Tier1 user with reset and create permissions expect 201 user role add m99999@@[] com.test.TC_Cred1.@[].pw_reset,com.test.TC_Cred1.@[].cred_admin # TC_Cred1.10.32.POS Remove create rights for testing expect 200 user role del com.test.TC_Cred1.@[].cred_admin