#!/bin/sh ############################################################################## # AAF Installs # - Copyright 2015, 2016 AT&T Intellectual Properties ############################################################################## umask 022 ROOT_DIR=${INSTALL_ROOT}${distFilesRootDirPath} COMMON_DIR=${INSTALL_ROOT}${distFilesRootDirPath}/../../common LRM_XML=${ROOT_DIR}/etc/lrm-${artifactId}.xml LOGGING_PROP_FILE=${ROOT_DIR}/etc/log4j.properties LOGGER_PROP_FILE=${ROOT_DIR}/etc/logging.props AAFLOGIN=${ROOT_DIR}/bin/aaflogin JAVA_HOME=/opt/java/jdk/jdk180 JAVA=$JAVA_HOME/bin/java CADI_JAR=`ls $ROOT_DIR/lib/cadi-core*.jar` cd ${ROOT_DIR} mkdir -p logs || fail 1 "Error on creating the logs directory." mkdir -p back || fail 1 "Error on creating the back directory." chmod 777 back || fail 1 "Error on creating the back directory." # # Some Functions that Vastly cleanup this install file... # You wouldn't believe how ugly it was before. Unreadable... JG # fail() { rc=$1 shift; echo "ERROR: $@" exit $rc } # # Set the "SED" replacement for this Variable. Error if missing # Note that Variable in the Template is surrounded by "_" i.e. _ROOT_DIR_ # Replacement Name # Value # required() { if [ -z "$2" ]; then ERRS+="\n\t$1 must be set for this installation" fi SED_E+=" -e s|$1|$2|g" } # # Set the "SED" replacement for this Variable. Use Default (3rd parm) if missing # Note that Variable in the Template is surrounded by "_" i.e. _ROOT_DIR_ # Replacement Name # Value # Default Value # default() { if [ -z "$2" ]; then SED_E+=" -e s|$1|$3|g" else SED_E+=" -e s|$1|$2|g" fi } # # Password behavior: # For each Password passed in: # If Password starts with "enc:???", then replace it as is # If not, then check for CADI_KEYFILE... see next # If the CADI_KEYFILE is set, the utilize this as the CADI Keyfile # If it does not exist, create it, and change to "0400" mode # Utilize the Java and "cadi-core" found in Library to # Encrypt Password with Keyfile, prepending "enc:???" # passwd() { # # Test if var exists, and is required # if [ "${!1}" = "" ]; then if [ "${2}" = "required" ]; then ERRS+="\n\t$1 must be set for this installation" fi else # # Test if needs encrypting # if [[ ${!1} = enc:* ]]; then SED_E+=" -e s|_${1}_|${!1}|g" else if [ "${CADI_KEYFILE}" != "" ] && [ -e "${CADI_JAR}" ]; then # # Create or use Keyfile listed in CADI_KEYFILE # if [ -e "${CADI_KEYFILE}" ]; then if [ "$REPORTED_CADI_KEYFILE" = "" ]; then echo "Using existing CADI KEYFILE (${CADI_KEYFILE})" REPORTED_CADI_KEYFILE=true fi else echo "Creating CADI_KEYFILE (${CADI_KEYFILE})" $JAVA -jar $CADI_JAR keygen ${CADI_KEYFILE} chmod 0400 ${CADI_KEYFILE} fi PASS=`$JAVA -jar $CADI_JAR digest ${!1} ${CADI_KEYFILE}` SED_E+=" -e s|_${1}_|enc:$PASS|g" else if [ "$REPORTED_CADI_KEYFILE" = "" ]; then if [ "${CADI_KEYFILE}" = "" ]; then ERRS+="\n\tCADI_KEYFILE must be set for this installation" fi if [ ! -e "${CADI_JAR}" ]; then ERRS+="\n\t${CADI_JAR} must exist to deploy passwords" fi REPORTED_CADI_KEYFILE=true fi fi fi fi } # Linux requires this. Mac blows with it. Who knows if Windoze even does SED if [ -z "$SED_OPTS" ]; then SED_E+=" -c " else SED_E+=$SED_OPTS; fi # # Use "default" function if there is a property that isn't required, but can be defaulted # use "required" function if the property must be set by the environment # required _ROOT_DIR_ ${ROOT_DIR} default _COMMON_DIR_ ${AUTHZ_COMMON_DIR} ${COMMON_DIR} required _JAVA_HOME_ ${JAVA_HOME} required _SCLD_PLATFORM_ ${SCLD_PLATFORM} required _HOSTNAME_ ${TARGET_HOSTNAME_FQ} required _ARTIFACT_ID_ ${artifactId} default _ARTIFACT_VERSION_ ${AFTSWM_ACTION_NEW_VERSION} default _RESOURCE_REGISTRATION_ ${RESOURCE_REGISTRATION} true default _AUTHZ_DATA_DIR_ ${AUTHZ_DATA_DIR} ${ROOT_DIR}/../../data default _CM_URL_ ${CM_URL} "" # Specifics for Service if [ "${artifactId}" = "authz-service" ]; then PROPERTIES_FILE=${ROOT_DIR}/etc/authAPI.props default _RESOURCE_MIN_COUNT_ ${RESOURCE_MIN_COUNT} 1 default _RESOURCE_MAX_COUNT_ ${RESOURCE_MAX_COUNT} 5 required _AUTHZ_SERVICE_PORT_RANGE_ ${AUTHZ_SERVICE_PORT_RANGE} elif [ "${artifactId}" = "authz-gui" ]; then PROPERTIES_FILE=${ROOT_DIR}/etc/authGUI.props required _AUTHZ_GUI_PORT_RANGE_ ${AUTHZ_GUI_PORT_RANGE} default _RESOURCE_MIN_COUNT_ ${RESOURCE_MIN_COUNT} 1 default _RESOURCE_MAX_COUNT_ ${RESOURCE_MAX_COUNT} 2 elif [ "${artifactId}" = "authz-gw" ]; then PROPERTIES_FILE=${ROOT_DIR}/etc/authGW.props default _AUTHZ_GW_PORT_RANGE_ ${AUTHZ_GW_PORT_RANGE} 8095-8095 default _RESOURCE_MIN_COUNT_ 1 default _RESOURCE_MAX_COUNT_ 1 elif [ "${artifactId}" = "authz-fs" ]; then PROPERTIES_FILE=${ROOT_DIR}/etc/FileServer.props OTHER_FILES=${ROOT_DIR}/data/test.html default _AUTHZ_FS_PORT_RANGE_ ${AUTHZ_FS_PORT_RANGE} 8096-8096 default _RESOURCE_MIN_COUNT_ 1 default _RESOURCE_MAX_COUNT_ 1 elif [ "${artifactId}" = "authz-certman" ]; then PROPERTIES_FILE=${ROOT_DIR}/etc/certman.props default _AUTHZ_CERTMAN_PORT_RANGE_ ${AUTHZ_CERTMAN_PORT_RANGE} 8150-8159 default _RESOURCE_MIN_COUNT_ 1 default _RESOURCE_MAX_COUNT_ 1 elif [ "${artifactId}" = "authz-batch" ]; then PROPERTIES_FILE=${ROOT_DIR}/etc/authBatch.props cd / OTHER_FILES=`find ${ROOT_DIR}/bin -depth -type f` cd - default _RESOURCE_MIN_COUNT_ 1 default _RESOURCE_MAX_COUNT_ 1 required _AUTHZ_GUI_URL_ ${AUTHZ_GUI_URL} else PROPERTIES_FILE=NONE fi if [ "${DME2_FS}" != "" ]; then SED_E+=" -e s|_DME2_FS_|-DDME2_EP_REGISTRY_CLASS=DME2FS\$\{AAF_SPACE\}-DAFT_DME2_EP_REGISTRY_FS_DIR=${DME2_FS}|g" else SED_E+=" -e s|_DME2_FS_||g" fi default _EMAIL_FROM_ ${EMAIL_FROM} authz@ems.att.com default _EMAIL_HOST_ ${EMAIL_HOST} mailhost.att.com default _ROUTE_OFFER_ ${ROUTE_OFFER} BAU_SE default _DME_TIMEOUT_ ${DME_TIMEOUT} 3000 # Choose defaults for log level and logfile size if [ "${SCLD_PLATFORM}" = "PROD" ]; then LOG4J_LEVEL=WARN fi default _AFT_ENVIRONMENT_ ${AFT_ENVIRONMENT} AFTUAT default _ENV_CONTEXT_ ${ENV_CONTEXT} DEV default _LOG4J_LEVEL_ ${LOG4J_LEVEL} WARN default _LOG4J_SIZE_ ${LOG4J_SIZE} 10000KB default _LOG_DIR_ ${LOG_DIR} ${ROOT_DIR}/logs default _MAX_LOG_FILE_SIZE_ ${MAX_LOG_FILE_SIZE} 10000KB default _MAX_LOG_FILE_BACKUP_COUNT_ ${MAX_LOG_FILE_BACKUP_COUNT} 7 if [ "${artifactId}" != "authz-batch" ]; then required _LRM_XML_ ${LRM_XML} fi required _AFT_LATITUDE_ ${LATITUDE} required _AFT_LONGITUDE_ ${LONGITUDE} required _HOSTNAME_ ${HOSTNAME} required _PROPERTIES_FILE_ ${PROPERTIES_FILE} required _LOGGING_PROP_FILE_ ${LOGGING_PROP_FILE} # Divide up Version default _MAJOR_VER_ "`expr ${version} : '\([0-9]*\)\..*'`" default _MINOR_VER_ "`expr ${version} : '[0-9]*\.\([0-9]*\)\..*'`" default _PATCH_VER_ "`expr ${version} : '[0-9]\.[0-9]*\.\(.*\)'`" # Now Fail if Required items are not set... # Report all of them at once! if [ "${ERRS}" != "" ] ; then fail 1 "${ERRS}" fi #echo ${SED_E} for i in ${PROPERTIES_FILE} ${LRM_XML} ${LOGGING_PROP_FILE} ${AAFLOGIN} ${OTHER_FILES} ; do if [ -r ${i} ]; then if [ -w ${i} ]; then # echo ${i} sed ${SED_E} -i'.sed' ${i} || fail 8 "could not sed ${i} " mv -f ${i}.sed ${ROOT_DIR}/back fi fi done # # Add the resource to LRM using the newly created/substituted XML file. # if [ -r ${LRM_XML} ]; then ${LRM_HOME}/bin/lrmcli -addOrUpgrade -file ${LRM_XML} || fail 1 "Add to LRM Failed" ${LRM_HOME}/bin/lrmcli -start -name com.att.authz.${artifactId} -version ${version} -routeoffer ${ROUTE_OFFER} | grep SUCCESS fi # Note: Must exit 0 or, it will be exit default 1 and fail exit 0