#!/bin/bash dbuild.sh # # Docker Building Script. Reads all the components generated by install, on per-version basis # # Pull in Variables from d.props ./d.props # TODO add ability to do DEBUG settings if ["$1" == ""]; then AAF_COMPONENTS=`ls ../aaf_*HOT/bin | grep -v '\.'` else AAF_COMPONENTS=$1 fi for AAF_COMPONENT in ${AAF_COMPONENTS}; do echo Building aaf_$AAF_COMPONENT... sed -e 's/${AAF_VERSION}/'${VERSION}'/g' -e 's/${AAF_COMPONENT}/'${AAF_COMPONENT}'/g' Dockerfile > ../aaf_${VERSION}/Dockerfile cd .. docker build -t ${DOCKER_REPOSITORY}/${ORG}/${PROJECT}/aaf_${AAF_COMPONENT}:${VERSION} aaf_${VERSION} rm aaf_${VERSION}/Dockerfile cd - done