("Approval Requests", gui.env.newTransNoAvg(),new Model(gui.env()),"class=stdform"))
+ .preamble("The following requires your Approval to proceed in the AAF System.Hover on Identity for Name; click for WebPhone"),
+ new NamedCode(false, "selectAlljs") {
+ @Override
+ public void code(Cache cache, HTMLGen hgen) throws APIException, IOException {
+ Mark jsStart = new Mark();
+ hgen.js(jsStart);
+ hgen.text("function selectAll(radioClass) {");
+ hgen.text("var radios = document.querySelectorAll(\".\"+radioClass);");
+ hgen.text("for (i = 0; i < radios.length; i++) {");
+ hgen.text("radios[i].checked = true;");
+ hgen.text("}");
+ hgen.text("}");
+ hgen.end(jsStart);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Implement the Table Content for Approvals
+ *
+ *
+ */
+ private static class Model implements Table.Data {
+ private static final String[] headers = new String[] {"Identity","Request","Approve","Deny"};
+ private static final Object THE_DOMAIN = null;
+ private Slot sUser;
+ public Model(AuthzEnv env) {
+ sUser = env.slot(NAME+".user");
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String[] headers() {
+ return headers;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Cells get(final AuthGUI gui, final AuthzTrans trans) {
+ final String userParam = trans.get(sUser, null);
+ ArrayList rv = new ArrayList();
+ String msg = null;
+ TimeTaken tt = trans.start("AAF Get Approvals for Approver",Env.REMOTE);
+ try {
+ final List pendingApprovals = new ArrayList();
+ final List beginIndicesPerApprover = new ArrayList();
+ int numLeft = gui.clientAsUser(trans.getUserPrincipal(), new Retryable() {
+ @Override
+ public Integer code(Rcli> client) throws CadiException, ConnectException, APIException {
+ Future fa = client.read("/authz/approval/approver/"+trans.user(),gui.approvalsDF);
+ int numLeft = 0;
+ if(fa.get(AuthGUI.TIMEOUT)) {
+ if(fa.value!=null) {
+ for (Approval appr : fa.value.getApprovals()) {
+ if (appr.getStatus().equals("pending")) {
+ if (userParam!=null) {
+ if (!appr.getUser().equalsIgnoreCase(userParam)) {
+ numLeft++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ pendingApprovals.add(appr);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ String prevApprover = null;
+ int overallIndex = 0;
+ for (Approval appr : pendingApprovals) {
+ String currApprover = appr.getApprover();
+ if (!currApprover.equals(prevApprover)) {
+ prevApprover = currApprover;
+ beginIndicesPerApprover.add(overallIndex);
+ }
+ overallIndex++;
+ }
+ }
+ return numLeft;
+ }
+ });
+ if (pendingApprovals.size() > 0) {
+ // Only add select all links if we have approvals
+ AbsCell[] selectAllRow = new AbsCell[] {
+ AbsCell.Null,
+ AbsCell.Null,
+ new ButtonCell("all", "onclick=selectAll('approve')", "class=selectAllButton"),
+ new ButtonCell("all", "onclick=selectAll('deny')", "class=selectAllButton")
+ };
+ rv.add(selectAllRow);
+ }
+ int line=-1;
+ while (beginIndicesPerApprover.size() > 0) {
+ int beginIndex = beginIndicesPerApprover.remove(0);
+ int endIndex = (beginIndicesPerApprover.isEmpty()?pendingApprovals.size():beginIndicesPerApprover.get(0));
+ List currApproverList = pendingApprovals.subList(beginIndex, endIndex);
+ String currApproverFull = currApproverList.get(0).getApprover();
+ String currApproverShort = currApproverFull.substring(0,currApproverFull.indexOf('@'));
+ String currApprover = (trans.user().indexOf('@')<0?currApproverShort:currApproverFull);
+ if (!currApprover.equals(trans.user())) {
+ AbsCell[] approverHeader;
+ if (currApproverFull.substring(currApproverFull.indexOf('@')).equals(THE_DOMAIN)) {
+ approverHeader = new AbsCell[] {
+ new TextAndRefCell("Approvals Delegated to Me by ", currApprover,
+ WEBPHONE + currApproverShort,
+ new String[] {"colspan=4", "class=head"})
+ };
+ } else {
+ approverHeader = new AbsCell[] {
+ new TextCell("Approvals Delegated to Me by " + currApprover,
+ new String[] {"colspan=4", "class=head"})
+ };
+ }
+ rv.add(approverHeader);
+ }
+ // Sort by User Requesting
+ Collections.sort(currApproverList, new Comparator() {
+ @Override
+ public int compare(Approval a1, Approval a2) {
+ return a1.getUser().compareTo(a2.getUser());
+ }
+ });
+ String prevUser = null;
+ for (Approval appr : currApproverList) {
+ if(++line0) {
+ msg = "After these, there will be " + numLeft + " approvals left to process";
+ }
+ if(rv.size()==0) {
+ if (numLeft>0) {
+ msg = "No Approvals to process at this time for user " + userParam +". You have "
+ + numLeft + " other approvals to process.";
+ } else {
+ msg = "No Approvals to process at this time";
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ trans.error().log(e);
+ } finally {
+ tt.done();
+ }
+ return new Cells(rv,msg);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/Home.java b/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/Home.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0eaa25ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/Home.java
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ *******************************************************************************/
+package com.att.authz.gui.pages;
+import static com.att.xgen.html.HTMLGen.A;
+import static com.att.xgen.html.HTMLGen.H3;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import com.att.authz.gui.AuthGUI;
+import com.att.authz.gui.NamedCode;
+import com.att.authz.gui.Page;
+import com.att.inno.env.APIException;
+import com.att.xgen.Cache;
+import com.att.xgen.Mark;
+import com.att.xgen.html.HTMLGen;
+public class Home extends Page {
+ public static final String HREF = "/gui/home";
+ public Home(final AuthGUI gui) throws APIException, IOException {
+ super(gui.env,"Home",HREF, NO_FIELDS, new NamedCode(false,"content") {
+ @Override
+ public void code(final Cache cache, final HTMLGen xgen) throws APIException, IOException {
+// // TEMP
+// JSGen jsg = xgen.js();
+// jsg.function("httpPost","sURL","sParam")
+// .text("var oURL = new java.net.URL(sURL)")
+// .text("var oConn = oURL.openConnection();")
+// .text("oConn.setDoInput(true);")
+// .text("oConn.setDoOutpu(true);")
+// .text("oConn.setUseCaches(false);")
+// .text("oConn.setRequestProperty(\"Content-Type\",\"application/x-www-form-urlencoded\");")
+// .text(text)
+// jsg.done();
+ // TEMP
+ final Mark pages = xgen.divID("Pages");
+ xgen.leaf(H3).text("Choose from the following:").end()
+ .leaf(A,"href=myperms").text("My Permissions").end()
+ .leaf(A,"href=myroles").text("My Roles").end()
+ // TODO: uncomment when on cassandra 2.1.2 for MyNamespace GUI page
+ .leaf(A,"href=mynamespaces").text("My Namespaces").end()
+ .leaf(A,"href=approve").text("My Approvals").end()
+ .leaf(A, "href=myrequests").text("My Pending Requests").end()
+ // Enable later
+// .leaf(A, "href=onboard").text("Onboarding").end()
+ // Password Change. If logged in as CSP/GSO, go to their page
+ .leaf(A,"href=passwd").text("Password Management").end()
+ .leaf(A,"href=cui").text("Command Prompt").end()
+ .leaf(A,"href=api").text("AAF API").end()
+ ;
+ xgen.end(pages);
+ }
+ });
+ }
diff --git a/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/LoginLanding.java b/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/LoginLanding.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1a42bfe5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/LoginLanding.java
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ *******************************************************************************/
+package com.att.authz.gui.pages;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.net.URLDecoder;
+import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
+import com.att.authz.env.AuthzTrans;
+import com.att.authz.gui.AuthGUI;
+import com.att.authz.gui.NamedCode;
+import com.att.authz.gui.Page;
+import com.att.cadi.config.Config;
+import com.att.inno.env.APIException;
+import com.att.xgen.Cache;
+import com.att.xgen.DynamicCode;
+import com.att.xgen.Mark;
+import com.att.xgen.html.HTMLGen;
+public class LoginLanding extends Page {
+ public static final String HREF = "/login";
+ static final String NAME = "Login";
+ static final String fields[] = {"id","password","environment"};
+ static final String envs[] = {"DEV","TEST","PROD"};
+ public LoginLanding(final AuthGUI gui, final Page ... breadcrumbs) throws APIException, IOException {
+ super(gui.env, NAME,HREF, fields, new NamedCode(true, "content") {
+ @Override
+ public void code(Cache cache, HTMLGen hgen) throws APIException, IOException {
+ hgen.leaf("p").text("No login credentials are found in your current session. " +
+ "Choose your preferred login option to continue.").end();
+ Mark loginPaths = hgen.divID("Pages");
+ cache.dynamic(hgen, new DynamicCode() {
+ @Override
+ public void code(AuthGUI authGUI, AuthzTrans trans, Cache cache, HTMLGen xgen) throws APIException, IOException {
+ HttpServletRequest req = trans.get(gui.slot_httpServletRequest, null);
+ if(req!=null) {
+ String query = req.getQueryString();
+ if(query!=null) {
+ for(String qs : query.split("&")) {
+ int equals = qs.indexOf('=');
+ xgen.leaf(HTMLGen.A, "href="+URLDecoder.decode(qs.substring(equals+1),Config.UTF_8)).text(qs.substring(0,equals).replace('_', ' ')).end();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ xgen.leaf(HTMLGen.A, "href=gui/home?Authentication=BasicAuth").text("AAF Basic Auth").end();
+ }
+ });
+// hgen.leaf("a", "href=#","onclick=divVisibility('cso');").text("Global Login").end()
+// .incr("p", "id=cso","style=display:none").text("this will redirect to global login").end()
+// .leaf("a", "href=#","onclick=divVisibility('tguard');").text("tGuard").end()
+// .incr("p", "id=tguard","style=display:none").text("this will redirect to tGuard login").end()
+// hgen.leaf("a", "href=#","onclick=divVisibility('basicauth');").text("AAF Basic Auth").end();
+ hgen.end(loginPaths);
+// hgen.incr("form","method=post","style=display:none","id=basicauth","gui/home?Authentication=BasicAuth");
+// Mark table = new Mark(TABLE);
+// hgen.incr(table);
+// cache.dynamic(hgen, new DynamicCode() {
+// @Override
+// public void code(AuthGUI gui, AuthzTrans trans, Cache cache, HTMLGen hgen)
+// throws APIException, IOException {
+// hgen
+// .input(fields[0],"Username",true)
+// .input(fields[1],"Password",true, "type=password");
+// Mark selectRow = new Mark();
+// hgen
+// .incr(selectRow, "tr")
+// .incr("td")
+// .incr("label", "for=envs", "required").text("Environment").end()
+// .end()
+// .incr("td")
+// .incr("select", "name=envs", "id=envs", "required")
+// .incr("option", "value=").text("Select Environment").end();
+// for (String env : envs) {
+// hgen.incr("option", "value="+env).text(env).end();
+// }
+// hgen
+// .end(selectRow)
+// hgen.end();
+// }
+// });
+// hgen.end();
+// hgen.tagOnly("input", "type=submit", "value=Submit")
+// .tagOnly("input", "type=reset", "value=Reset")
+// .end();
+ }
+ });
+ }
diff --git a/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/LoginLandingAction.java b/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/LoginLandingAction.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..35a2e328
--- /dev/null
+++ b/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/LoginLandingAction.java
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ *******************************************************************************/
+package com.att.authz.gui.pages;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import com.att.authz.env.AuthzTrans;
+import com.att.authz.gui.AuthGUI;
+import com.att.authz.gui.BreadCrumbs;
+import com.att.authz.gui.NamedCode;
+import com.att.authz.gui.Page;
+import com.att.inno.env.APIException;
+import com.att.inno.env.Slot;
+import com.att.xgen.Cache;
+import com.att.xgen.DynamicCode;
+import com.att.xgen.html.HTMLGen;
+public class LoginLandingAction extends Page {
+ public LoginLandingAction(final AuthGUI gui, final Page ... breadcrumbs) throws APIException, IOException {
+ super(gui.env,"Login",LoginLanding.HREF, LoginLanding.fields,
+ new BreadCrumbs(breadcrumbs),
+ new NamedCode(true,"content") {
+ final Slot sID = gui.env.slot(LoginLanding.NAME+'.'+LoginLanding.fields[0]);
+// final Slot sPassword = gui.env.slot(LoginLanding.NAME+'.'+LoginLanding.fields[1]);
+ @Override
+ public void code(Cache cache, HTMLGen hgen) throws APIException, IOException {
+ cache.dynamic(hgen, new DynamicCode() {
+ @Override
+ public void code(final AuthGUI gui, final AuthzTrans trans,Cache cache, HTMLGen hgen) throws APIException, IOException {
+ String username = trans.get(sID,null);
+// String password = trans.get(sPassword,null);
+ hgen.p("User: "+username);
+ hgen.p("Pass: ********");
+ // TODO: clarification from JG
+ // put in request header?
+ // then pass through authn/basicAuth call?
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ }
diff --git a/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/NsDetail.java b/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/NsDetail.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7ed241d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/NsDetail.java
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ *******************************************************************************/
+package com.att.authz.gui.pages;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.net.ConnectException;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import com.att.authz.env.AuthzEnv;
+import com.att.authz.env.AuthzTrans;
+import com.att.authz.gui.AuthGUI;
+import com.att.authz.gui.BreadCrumbs;
+import com.att.authz.gui.Page;
+import com.att.authz.gui.Table;
+import com.att.authz.gui.Table.Cells;
+import com.att.authz.gui.table.AbsCell;
+import com.att.authz.gui.table.RefCell;
+import com.att.authz.gui.table.TextCell;
+import com.att.cadi.CadiException;
+import com.att.cadi.client.Future;
+import com.att.cadi.client.Rcli;
+import com.att.cadi.client.Retryable;
+import com.att.cmd.AAFcli;
+import com.att.inno.env.APIException;
+import com.att.inno.env.Env;
+import com.att.inno.env.Slot;
+import com.att.inno.env.TimeTaken;
+import com.att.inno.env.util.Chrono;
+import aaf.v2_0.Nss;
+import aaf.v2_0.Nss.Ns;
+import aaf.v2_0.Perm;
+import aaf.v2_0.Perms;
+import aaf.v2_0.Role;
+import aaf.v2_0.Roles;
+import aaf.v2_0.Users;
+import aaf.v2_0.Users.User;
+public class NsDetail extends Page {
+ public static final String HREF = "/gui/nsdetail";
+ public static final String NAME = "NsDetail";
+ static final String WEBPHONE = "http://webphone.att.com/cgi-bin/webphones.pl?id=";
+ private static final String BLANK = "";
+ public NsDetail(final AuthGUI gui, Page ... breadcrumbs) throws APIException, IOException {
+ super(gui.env, NAME, HREF, new String[] {"name"},
+ new BreadCrumbs(breadcrumbs),
+ new Table("Namespace Details",gui.env.newTransNoAvg(),new Model(gui.env()),"class=detail")
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Implement the table content for Namespace Detail
+ *
+ *
+ */
+ private static class Model implements Table.Data {
+ private static final String[] headers = new String[0];
+ private static final String CSP_ATT_COM = "@csp.att.com";
+ private Slot name;
+ public Model(AuthzEnv env) {
+ name = env.slot(NAME+".name");
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String[] headers() {
+ return headers;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Cells get(final AuthGUI gui, final AuthzTrans trans) {
+ final String nsName = trans.get(name, null);
+ if(nsName==null) {
+ return Cells.EMPTY;
+ }
+ ArrayList rv = new ArrayList();
+ rv.add(new AbsCell[]{new TextCell("Name:"),new TextCell(nsName)});
+ final TimeTaken tt = trans.start("AAF Namespace Details",Env.REMOTE);
+ try {
+ gui.clientAsUser(trans.getUserPrincipal(),new Retryable() {
+ @Override
+ public Void code(Rcli> client) throws CadiException, ConnectException, APIException {
+ Future fn = client.read("/authz/nss/"+nsName,gui.nssDF);
+ if(fn.get(AuthGUI.TIMEOUT)) {
+ tt.done();
+ try {
+// TimeTaken tt = trans.start("Load Data", Env.SUB);
+ for(Ns n : fn.value.getNs()) {
+ String desc = (n.getDescription()!=null?n.getDescription():BLANK);
+ rv.add(new AbsCell[]{new TextCell("Description:"),new TextCell(desc)});
+ addField(trans, rv, n.getAdmin(), NS_FIELD.ADMINS);
+ addField(trans, rv, n.getResponsible(), NS_FIELD.OWNERS);
+ Future fu = client.read(
+ "/authn/creds/ns/"+nsName,
+ gui.usersDF
+ );
+ List creds = new ArrayList();
+ if(fu.get(AAFcli.timeout())) {
+ for (User u : fu.value.getUser()) {
+ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(u.getId());
+ switch(u.getType()) {
+ case 1: sb.append(" (U/Pass) "); break;
+ case 10: sb.append(" (Cert) "); break;
+ case 200: sb.append(" (x509) "); break;
+ default:
+ sb.append(" ");
+ }
+ sb.append(Chrono.niceDateStamp(u.getExpires()));
+ creds.add(sb.toString());
+ }
+ }
+ addField(trans, rv, creds, NS_FIELD.CREDS);
+ Future fr = client.read(
+ "/authz/roles/ns/"+nsName,
+ gui.rolesDF
+ );
+ List roles = new ArrayList();
+ if(fr.get(AAFcli.timeout())) {
+ for (Role r : fr.value.getRole()) {
+ roles.add(r.getName());
+ }
+ }
+ addField(trans, rv, roles, NS_FIELD.ROLES);
+ Future fp = client.read(
+ "/authz/perms/ns/"+nsName,
+ gui.permsDF
+ );
+ List perms = new ArrayList();
+ if(fp.get(AAFcli.timeout())) {
+ for (Perm p : fp.value.getPerm()) {
+ perms.add(p.getType() + "|" + p.getInstance() + "|" + p.getAction());
+ }
+ }
+ addField(trans, rv, perms, NS_FIELD.PERMISSIONS);
+ }
+ String historyLink = NsHistory.HREF
+ + "?name=" + nsName;
+ rv.add(new AbsCell[] {new RefCell("See History",historyLink)});
+ } finally {
+ tt.done();
+ }
+ } else {
+ rv.add(new AbsCell[] {new TextCell("*** Data Unavailable ***")});
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ });
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ } finally {
+ tt.done();
+ }
+ return new Cells(rv,null);
+ }
+ private void addField(AuthzTrans trans, ArrayList rv, List values, NS_FIELD field) {
+ if (!values.isEmpty()) {
+ switch(field) {
+ case OWNERS:
+ case ADMINS:
+ case CREDS:
+ for (int i=0; i< values.size(); i++) {
+ AbsCell label = (i==0?new TextCell(sentenceCase(field)+":"):AbsCell.Null);
+ String user = values.get(i);
+ AbsCell userCell = (user.endsWith(CSP_ATT_COM)?
+ new RefCell(user,WEBPHONE + user.substring(0,user.indexOf('@'))):new TextCell(user));
+ rv.add(new AbsCell[] {
+ label,
+ userCell
+ });
+ }
+ break;
+ case ROLES:
+ for (int i=0; i< values.size(); i++) {
+ AbsCell label = (i==0?new TextCell(sentenceCase(field)+":"):AbsCell.Null);
+ rv.add(new AbsCell[] {
+ label,
+ new TextCell(values.get(i))
+ });
+ }
+ break;
+ for (int i=0; i< values.size(); i++) {
+ AbsCell label = (i==0?new TextCell(sentenceCase(field)+":"):AbsCell.Null);
+ String perm = values.get(i);
+ String[] fields = perm.split("\\|");
+ String grantLink = PermGrantForm.HREF
+ + "?type=" + fields[0].trim()
+ + "&instance=" + fields[1].trim()
+ + "&action=" + fields[2].trim();
+ rv.add(new AbsCell[] {
+ label,
+ new TextCell(perm),
+ new RefCell("Grant This Perm", grantLink)
+ });
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private String sentenceCase(NS_FIELD field) {
+ String sField = field.toString();
+ return sField.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + sField.substring(1).toLowerCase();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/NsHistory.java b/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/NsHistory.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c9a599f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/NsHistory.java
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ *******************************************************************************/
+package com.att.authz.gui.pages;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.net.ConnectException;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Calendar;
+import java.util.Comparator;
+import java.util.List;
+import com.att.authz.env.AuthzEnv;
+import com.att.authz.env.AuthzTrans;
+import com.att.authz.gui.AuthGUI;
+import com.att.authz.gui.BreadCrumbs;
+import com.att.authz.gui.NamedCode;
+import com.att.authz.gui.Page;
+import com.att.authz.gui.Table;
+import com.att.authz.gui.Table.Cells;
+import com.att.authz.gui.table.AbsCell;
+import com.att.authz.gui.table.RefCell;
+import com.att.authz.gui.table.TextCell;
+import com.att.cadi.CadiException;
+import com.att.cadi.client.Future;
+import com.att.cadi.client.Rcli;
+import com.att.cadi.client.Retryable;
+import com.att.inno.env.APIException;
+import com.att.inno.env.Env;
+import com.att.inno.env.Slot;
+import com.att.inno.env.TimeTaken;
+import com.att.xgen.Cache;
+import com.att.xgen.DynamicCode;
+import com.att.xgen.html.HTMLGen;
+import aaf.v2_0.History;
+import aaf.v2_0.History.Item;
+public class NsHistory extends Page {
+ static final String NAME="NsHistory";
+ static final String HREF = "/gui/nsHistory";
+ static final String FIELDS[] = {"name","dates"};
+ static final String WEBPHONE = "http://webphone.att.com/cgi-bin/webphones.pl?id=";
+ public NsHistory(final AuthGUI gui, final Page ... breadcrumbs) throws APIException, IOException {
+ super(gui.env,NAME,HREF, FIELDS,
+ new BreadCrumbs(breadcrumbs),
+ new Table("History", gui.env.newTransNoAvg(),new Model(gui.env()),"class=std"),
+ new NamedCode(true, "content") {
+ @Override
+ public void code(final Cache cache, final HTMLGen hgen) throws APIException, IOException {
+ final Slot name = gui.env.slot(NAME+".name");
+ cache.dynamic(hgen, new DynamicCode() {
+ @Override
+ public void code(AuthGUI gui, AuthzTrans trans, Cache cache, HTMLGen hgen) throws APIException, IOException {
+ String obName = trans.get(name, null);
+ // Use Javascript to make the table title more descriptive
+ hgen.js()
+ .text("var caption = document.querySelector(\".title\");")
+ .text("caption.innerHTML='History for Namespace [ " + obName + " ]';")
+ .done();
+ // Use Javascript to change Link Target to our last visited Detail page
+ String lastPage = NsDetail.HREF + "?name=" + obName;
+ hgen.js()
+ .text("alterLink('nsdetail', '"+lastPage + "');")
+ .done();
+ hgen.br();
+ hgen.leaf("a","href=#advanced_search","onclick=divVisibility('advanced_search');").text("Advanced Search").end()
+ .divID("advanced_search", "style=display:none");
+ hgen.incr("table");
+ addDateRow(hgen,"Start Date");
+ addDateRow(hgen,"End Date");
+ hgen.incr("tr").incr("td");
+ hgen.tagOnly("input", "type=button","value=Get History",
+ "onclick=datesURL('"+HREF+"?name=" + obName+"');");
+ hgen.end().end();
+ hgen.end();
+ hgen.end();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ private static void addDateRow(HTMLGen hgen, String s) {
+ hgen
+ .incr("tr")
+ .incr("td")
+ .incr("label", "for=month", "required").text(s+"*").end()
+ .end()
+ .incr("td")
+ .incr("select", "name=month"+s.substring(0, s.indexOf(' ')), "id=month"+s.substring(0, s.indexOf(' ')), "required")
+ .incr("option", "value=").text("Month").end();
+ for (Month m : Month.values()) {
+ if (Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.MONTH) == m.ordinal()) {
+ hgen.incr("option", "selected", "value="+(m.ordinal()+1)).text(m.name()).end();
+ } else {
+ hgen.incr("option", "value="+(m.ordinal()+1)).text(m.name()).end();
+ }
+ }
+ hgen.end()
+ .end()
+ .incr("td")
+ .tagOnly("input","type=number","id=year"+s.substring(0, s.indexOf(' ')),"required",
+ "value="+Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR), "min=1900",
+ "max="+Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR),
+ "placeholder=Year").end()
+ .end();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Implement the Table Content for History
+ *
+ *
+ */
+ private static class Model implements Table.Data {
+ private static final String CSP_ATT_COM = "@csp.att.com";
+ private static final String[] headers = new String[] {"Date","User","Memo"};
+ private Slot name;
+ private Slot dates;
+ public Model(AuthzEnv env) {
+ name = env.slot(NAME+".name");
+ dates = env.slot(NAME+".dates");
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String[] headers() {
+ return headers;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Cells get(final AuthGUI gui, final AuthzTrans trans) {
+ final String oName = trans.get(name,null);
+ final String oDates = trans.get(dates,null);
+ if(oName==null) {
+ return Cells.EMPTY;
+ }
+ ArrayList rv = new ArrayList();
+ String msg = null;
+ final TimeTaken tt = trans.start("AAF Get History for Namespace ["+oName+"]",Env.REMOTE);
+ try {
+ gui.clientAsUser(trans.getUserPrincipal(), new Retryable() {
+ @Override
+ public Void code(Rcli> client) throws CadiException, ConnectException, APIException {
+ if (oDates != null) {
+ client.setQueryParams("yyyymm="+oDates);
+ }
+ Future fh = client.read("/authz/hist/ns/"+oName,gui.historyDF);
+ if (fh.get(AuthGUI.TIMEOUT)) {
+ tt.done();
+ TimeTaken tt2 = trans.start("Load History Data", Env.SUB);
+ try {
+ List- histItems = fh.value.getItem();
+ java.util.Collections.sort(histItems, new Comparator
- () {
+ @Override
+ public int compare(Item o1, Item o2) {
+ return o2.getTimestamp().compare(o1.getTimestamp());
+ }
+ });
+ for (Item i : histItems) {
+ String user = i.getUser();
+ AbsCell userCell = (user.endsWith(CSP_ATT_COM)?
+ new RefCell(user,WEBPHONE + user.substring(0,user.indexOf('@'))):new TextCell(user));
+ rv.add(new AbsCell[] {
+ new TextCell(i.getTimestamp().toGregorianCalendar().getTime().toString()),
+ userCell,
+ new TextCell(i.getMemo())
+ });
+ }
+ } finally {
+ tt2.done();
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (fh.code()==403) {
+ rv.add(new AbsCell[] {new TextCell("You may not view History of Namespace [" + oName + "]", "colspan = 3", "class=center")});
+ } else {
+ rv.add(new AbsCell[] {new TextCell("*** Data Unavailable ***", "colspan = 3", "class=center")});
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ });
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ trans.error().log(e);
+ } finally {
+ tt.done();
+ }
+ return new Cells(rv,msg);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/NsInfoAction.java b/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/NsInfoAction.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..79492d2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/NsInfoAction.java
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ *******************************************************************************/
+package com.att.authz.gui.pages;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.net.ConnectException;
+import java.text.ParseException;
+import com.att.authz.env.AuthzTrans;
+import com.att.authz.gui.AuthGUI;
+import com.att.authz.gui.BreadCrumbs;
+import com.att.authz.gui.NamedCode;
+import com.att.authz.gui.Page;
+import com.att.cadi.CadiException;
+import com.att.cadi.client.Future;
+import com.att.cadi.client.Rcli;
+import com.att.cadi.client.Retryable;
+import com.att.inno.env.APIException;
+import com.att.inno.env.Env;
+import com.att.inno.env.Slot;
+import com.att.inno.env.TimeTaken;
+import com.att.inno.env.util.Chrono;
+import com.att.xgen.Cache;
+import com.att.xgen.DynamicCode;
+import com.att.xgen.html.HTMLGen;
+import aaf.v2_0.CredRequest;
+public class NsInfoAction extends Page {
+ public NsInfoAction(final AuthGUI gui, final Page ... breadcrumbs) throws APIException, IOException {
+ super(gui.env,"Onboard",PassChangeForm.HREF, PassChangeForm.fields,
+ new BreadCrumbs(breadcrumbs),
+ new NamedCode(true,"content") {
+ final Slot sID = gui.env.slot(PassChangeForm.NAME+'.'+PassChangeForm.fields[0]);
+ final Slot sCurrPass = gui.env.slot(PassChangeForm.NAME+'.'+PassChangeForm.fields[1]);
+ final Slot sPassword = gui.env.slot(PassChangeForm.NAME+'.'+PassChangeForm.fields[2]);
+ final Slot sPassword2 = gui.env.slot(PassChangeForm.NAME+'.'+PassChangeForm.fields[3]);
+ final Slot startDate = gui.env.slot(PassChangeForm.NAME+'.'+PassChangeForm.fields[4]);
+ @Override
+ public void code(Cache cache, HTMLGen hgen) throws APIException, IOException {
+ cache.dynamic(hgen, new DynamicCode() {
+ @Override
+ public void code(final AuthGUI gui, final AuthzTrans trans,Cache cache, HTMLGen hgen) throws APIException, IOException {
+ String id = trans.get(sID,null);
+ String currPass = trans.get(sCurrPass,null);
+ String password = trans.get(sPassword,null);
+ String password2 = trans.get(sPassword2,null);
+ // Run Validations
+ boolean fail = true;
+ if (id==null || id.indexOf('@')<=0) {
+ hgen.p("Data Entry Failure: Please enter a valid ID, including domain.");
+ } else if(password == null || password2 == null || currPass == null) {
+ hgen.p("Data Entry Failure: Both Password Fields need entries.");
+ } else if(!password.equals(password2)) {
+ hgen.p("Data Entry Failure: Passwords do not match.");
+ } else { // everything else is checked by Server
+ final CredRequest cred = new CredRequest();
+ cred.setId(id);
+ cred.setPassword(currPass);
+ try {
+ fail = gui.clientAsUser(trans.getUserPrincipal(), new Retryable() {
+ @Override
+ public Boolean code(Rcli> client)throws CadiException, ConnectException, APIException {
+ TimeTaken tt = trans.start("Check Current Password",Env.REMOTE);
+ try {
+ Future fcr = client.create( // Note: Need "Post", because of hiding password in SSL Data
+ "/authn/validate",
+ gui.credReqDF,
+ cred
+ );
+ boolean go;
+ boolean fail = true;
+ fcr.get(5000);
+ if(fcr.code() == 200) {
+ hgen.p("Current Password validated");
+ go = true;
+ } else {
+ hgen.p(String.format("Invalid Current Password: %d %s",fcr.code(),fcr.body()));
+ go = false;
+ }
+ if(go) {
+ tt.done();
+ tt = trans.start("AAF Change Password",Env.REMOTE);
+ try {
+ // Change over Cred to reset mode
+ cred.setPassword(password);
+ String start = trans.get(startDate, null);
+ if(start!=null) {
+ try {
+ cred.setStart(Chrono.timeStamp(Chrono.dateOnlyFmt.parse(start)));
+ } catch (ParseException e) {
+ throw new CadiException(e);
+ }
+ }
+ fcr = client.create(
+ "/authn/cred",
+ gui.credReqDF,
+ cred
+ );
+ if(fcr.get(5000)) {
+ // Do Remote Call
+ hgen.p("New Password has been added.");
+ fail = false;
+ } else {
+ gui.writeError(trans, fcr, hgen);
+ }
+ } finally {
+ tt.done();
+ }
+ }
+ return fail;
+ } finally {
+ tt.done();
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ hgen.p("Unknown Error");
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ hgen.br();
+ if(fail) {
+ hgen.incr("a",true,"href="+PassChangeForm.HREF+"?id="+id).text("Try again").end();
+ } else {
+ hgen.incr("a",true,"href="+Home.HREF).text("Home").end();
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ }
diff --git a/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/NsInfoForm.java b/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/NsInfoForm.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..32b3c4c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/NsInfoForm.java
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ *******************************************************************************/
+package com.att.authz.gui.pages;
+import static com.att.xgen.html.HTMLGen.A;
+import static com.att.xgen.html.HTMLGen.TABLE;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.net.ConnectException;
+import java.util.List;
+import com.att.authz.env.AuthzTrans;
+import com.att.authz.gui.AuthGUI;
+import com.att.authz.gui.BreadCrumbs;
+import com.att.authz.gui.NamedCode;
+import com.att.authz.gui.Page;
+import com.att.cadi.CadiException;
+import com.att.cadi.client.Future;
+import com.att.cadi.client.Rcli;
+import com.att.cadi.client.Retryable;
+import com.att.inno.env.APIException;
+import com.att.inno.env.Env;
+import com.att.inno.env.Slot;
+import com.att.inno.env.TimeTaken;
+import com.att.xgen.Cache;
+import com.att.xgen.DynamicCode;
+import com.att.xgen.Mark;
+import com.att.xgen.html.HTMLGen;
+import aaf.v2_0.Nss;
+import aaf.v2_0.Nss.Ns;
+import aaf.v2_0.Nss.Ns.Attrib;
+public class NsInfoForm extends Page {
+ // Package on purpose
+ static final String HREF = "/gui/onboard";
+ static final String NAME = "Onboarding";
+ static final String fields[] = {"ns","description","mots","owners","admins"};
+ public NsInfoForm(final AuthGUI gui, final Page ... breadcrumbs) throws APIException, IOException {
+ super(gui.env,NAME,HREF, fields,
+ new BreadCrumbs(breadcrumbs),
+ new NamedCode(true,"content") {
+ private final Slot sID = gui.env.slot(NsInfoForm.NAME+'.'+NsInfoForm.fields[0]);
+ @Override
+ public void code(final Cache cache, final HTMLGen hgen) throws APIException, IOException {
+ // p tags not closing right using .p() - causes issues in IE8 password form - so using leaf for the moment
+ hgen.leaf(HTMLGen.H2).text("Namespace Info").end()
+ .leaf("p").text("Hover over Fields for Tool Tips, or click ")
+ .leaf(A,"href="+gui.env.getProperty("aaf_url.gui_onboard","")).text("Here").end()
+ .text(" for more information")
+ .end()
+ .incr("form","method=post");
+ Mark table = new Mark(TABLE);
+ hgen.incr(table);
+ cache.dynamic(hgen, new DynamicCode() {
+ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+ @Override
+ public void code(final AuthGUI gui, AuthzTrans trans, Cache cache, HTMLGen hgen) throws APIException, IOException {
+ final String incomingID= trans.get(sID, "");
+ final String[] info = new String[fields.length];
+ final Object own_adm[] = new Object[2];
+ for(int i=0;i0) {
+ TimeTaken tt = trans.start("AAF Namespace Info",Env.REMOTE);
+ try {
+ gui.clientAsUser(trans.getUserPrincipal(), new Retryable() {
+ @Override
+ public Void code(Rcli> client) throws CadiException, ConnectException, APIException {
+ Future fn = client.read("/authz/nss/"+incomingID,gui.nssDF);
+ if(fn.get(AuthGUI.TIMEOUT)) {
+ for(Ns ns : fn.value.getNs()) {
+ info[0]=ns.getName();
+ info[1]=ns.getDescription();
+ for(Attrib attr: ns.getAttrib()) {
+ switch(attr.getKey()) {
+ case "mots":
+ info[2]=attr.getValue();
+ default:
+ }
+ }
+ own_adm[0]=ns.getResponsible();
+ own_adm[1]=ns.getAdmin();
+ }
+ } else {
+ trans.error().log(fn.body());
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ });
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ trans.error().log("Unable to access AAF for NS Info",incomingID);
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ } finally {
+ tt.done();
+ }
+ }
+ hgen.input(fields[0],"Namespace",false,"value="+info[0],"title=AAF Namespace")
+ .input(fields[1],"Description*",true,"value="+info[1],"title=Full Application Name, Tool Name or Group")
+ .input(fields[2],"MOTS ID",false,"value="+info[2],"title=MOTS ID if this is an Application, and has MOTS");
+ Mark endTD = new Mark(),endTR=new Mark();
+ // Owners
+ hgen.incr(endTR,HTMLGen.TR)
+ .incr(endTD,HTMLGen.TD)
+ .leaf("label","for="+fields[3]).text("Responsible Party")
+ .end(endTD)
+ .incr(endTD,HTMLGen.TD)
+ .tagOnly("input","id="+fields[3],"title=Owner of App, must be an Non-Bargained Employee");
+ if(own_adm[0]!=null) {
+ for(String s : (List)own_adm[0]) {
+ hgen.incr("label",true).text(s).end();
+ }
+ }
+ hgen.end(endTR);
+ // Admins
+ hgen.incr(endTR,HTMLGen.TR)
+ .incr(endTD,HTMLGen.TD)
+ .leaf("label","for="+fields[4]).text("Administrators")
+ .end(endTD)
+ .incr(endTD,HTMLGen.TD)
+ .tagOnly("input","id="+fields[4],"title=Admins may be employees, contractors or mechIDs");
+ if(own_adm[1]!=null) {
+ for(String s : (List)own_adm[1]) {
+ hgen.incr(HTMLGen.P,true).text(s).end();
+ }
+ }
+ hgen.end(endTR)
+ .end();
+ }
+ });
+ hgen.end();
+ hgen.tagOnly("input", "type=submit", "value=Submit")
+ .end();
+ }
+ });
+ }
diff --git a/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/NssShow.java b/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/NssShow.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0333d92c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/NssShow.java
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ *******************************************************************************/
+package com.att.authz.gui.pages;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.net.ConnectException;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.Comparator;
+import java.util.List;
+import com.att.authz.env.AuthzEnv;
+import com.att.authz.env.AuthzTrans;
+import com.att.authz.gui.AuthGUI;
+import com.att.authz.gui.BreadCrumbs;
+import com.att.authz.gui.Page;
+import com.att.authz.gui.Table;
+import com.att.authz.gui.Table.Cells;
+import com.att.authz.gui.table.AbsCell;
+import com.att.authz.gui.table.RefCell;
+import com.att.cadi.CadiException;
+import com.att.cadi.client.Future;
+import com.att.cadi.client.Rcli;
+import com.att.cadi.client.Retryable;
+import com.att.inno.env.APIException;
+import com.att.inno.env.Env;
+import com.att.inno.env.Slot;
+import com.att.inno.env.TimeTaken;
+import aaf.v2_0.Nss;
+import aaf.v2_0.Nss.Ns;
+public class NssShow extends Page {
+ public static final String HREF = "/gui/mynamespaces";
+ public NssShow(final AuthGUI gui, final Page ... breadcrumbs) throws APIException, IOException {
+ super(gui.env, "MyNamespaces",HREF, NO_FIELDS,
+ new BreadCrumbs(breadcrumbs),
+ new Table("Namespaces I administer",gui.env.newTransNoAvg(),new Model("admin",gui.env),
+ "class=std", "style=display: inline-block; width: 45%; margin: 10px;"),
+ new Table("Namespaces I own",gui.env.newTransNoAvg(),new Model("responsible",gui.env),
+ "class=std", "style=display: inline-block; width: 45%; margin: 10px;"));
+ }
+ private static class Model implements Table.Data {
+ private String[] headers;
+ private String privilege = null;
+ public final Slot sNssByUser;
+ private boolean isAdmin;
+ public Model(String privilege,AuthzEnv env) {
+ super();
+ headers = new String[] {privilege};
+ this.privilege = privilege;
+ isAdmin = "admin".equals(privilege);
+ sNssByUser = env.slot("NSS_SHOW_MODEL_DATA");
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String[] headers() {
+ return headers;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Cells get(final AuthGUI gui, final AuthzTrans trans) {
+ ArrayList rv = new ArrayList();
+ List nss = trans.get(sNssByUser, null);
+ if(nss==null) {
+ TimeTaken tt = trans.start("AAF Nss by User for " + privilege,Env.REMOTE);
+ try {
+ nss = gui.clientAsUser(trans.getUserPrincipal(), new Retryable
>() {
+ @Override
+ public List code(Rcli> client) throws CadiException, ConnectException, APIException {
+ List nss = null;
+ Future fp = client.read("/authz/nss/either/" + trans.user(),gui.nssDF);
+ if(fp.get(AuthGUI.TIMEOUT)) {
+ TimeTaken tt = trans.start("Load Data for " + privilege, Env.SUB);
+ try {
+ if(fp.value!=null) {
+ nss = fp.value.getNs();
+ Collections.sort(nss, new Comparator() {
+ public int compare(Ns ns1, Ns ns2) {
+ return ns1.getName().compareToIgnoreCase(ns2.getName());
+ }
+ });
+ trans.put(sNssByUser,nss);
+ }
+ } finally {
+ tt.done();
+ }
+ }else {
+ gui.writeError(trans, fp, null);
+ }
+ return nss;
+ }
+ });
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ trans.error().log(e);
+ } finally {
+ tt.done();
+ }
+ }
+ if(nss!=null) {
+ for(Ns n : nss) {
+ if((isAdmin && !n.getAdmin().isEmpty())
+ || (!isAdmin && !n.getResponsible().isEmpty())) {
+ AbsCell[] sa = new AbsCell[] {
+ new RefCell(n.getName(),NsDetail.HREF
+ +"?name="+n.getName()),
+ };
+ rv.add(sa);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return new Cells(rv,null);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/PassChangeAction.java b/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/PassChangeAction.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eeb2b0ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/PassChangeAction.java
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ *******************************************************************************/
+package com.att.authz.gui.pages;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.net.ConnectException;
+import java.text.ParseException;
+import com.att.authz.env.AuthzTrans;
+import com.att.authz.gui.AuthGUI;
+import com.att.authz.gui.BreadCrumbs;
+import com.att.authz.gui.NamedCode;
+import com.att.authz.gui.Page;
+import com.att.cadi.CadiException;
+import com.att.cadi.client.Future;
+import com.att.cadi.client.Rcli;
+import com.att.cadi.client.Retryable;
+import com.att.inno.env.APIException;
+import com.att.inno.env.Env;
+import com.att.inno.env.Slot;
+import com.att.inno.env.TimeTaken;
+import com.att.inno.env.util.Chrono;
+import com.att.xgen.Cache;
+import com.att.xgen.DynamicCode;
+import com.att.xgen.html.HTMLGen;
+import aaf.v2_0.CredRequest;
+public class PassChangeAction extends Page {
+ public PassChangeAction(final AuthGUI gui, final Page ... breadcrumbs) throws APIException, IOException {
+ super(gui.env,"PassChange",PassChangeForm.HREF, PassChangeForm.fields,
+ new BreadCrumbs(breadcrumbs),
+ new NamedCode(true,"content") {
+ final Slot sID = gui.env.slot(PassChangeForm.NAME+'.'+PassChangeForm.fields[0]);
+ final Slot sCurrPass = gui.env.slot(PassChangeForm.NAME+'.'+PassChangeForm.fields[1]);
+ final Slot sPassword = gui.env.slot(PassChangeForm.NAME+'.'+PassChangeForm.fields[2]);
+ final Slot sPassword2 = gui.env.slot(PassChangeForm.NAME+'.'+PassChangeForm.fields[3]);
+ final Slot startDate = gui.env.slot(PassChangeForm.NAME+'.'+PassChangeForm.fields[4]);
+ @Override
+ public void code(Cache cache, HTMLGen hgen) throws APIException, IOException {
+ cache.dynamic(hgen, new DynamicCode() {
+ @Override
+ public void code(final AuthGUI gui, final AuthzTrans trans,Cache cache, HTMLGen hgen) throws APIException, IOException {
+ String id = trans.get(sID,null);
+ String currPass = trans.get(sCurrPass,null);
+ String password = trans.get(sPassword,null);
+ String password2 = trans.get(sPassword2,null);
+ // Run Validations
+ boolean fail = true;
+ if (id==null || id.indexOf('@')<=0) {
+ hgen.p("Data Entry Failure: Please enter a valid ID, including domain.");
+ } else if(password == null || password2 == null || currPass == null) {
+ hgen.p("Data Entry Failure: Both Password Fields need entries.");
+ } else if(!password.equals(password2)) {
+ hgen.p("Data Entry Failure: Passwords do not match.");
+ } else { // everything else is checked by Server
+ final CredRequest cred = new CredRequest();
+ cred.setId(id);
+ cred.setPassword(currPass);
+ try {
+ fail = gui.clientAsUser(trans.getUserPrincipal(), new Retryable() {
+ @Override
+ public Boolean code(Rcli> client)throws CadiException, ConnectException, APIException {
+ boolean fail = true;
+ boolean go = false;
+ TimeTaken tt = trans.start("Check Current Password",Env.REMOTE);
+ try {
+ Future fcr = client.create( // Note: Need "Post", because of hiding password in SSL Data
+ "/authn/validate",gui.credReqDF,cred);
+ fcr.get(5000);
+ if(fcr.code() == 200) {
+ hgen.p("Current Password validated");
+ go = true;
+ } else {
+ hgen.p(String.format("Invalid Current Password: %d %s",fcr.code(),fcr.body()));
+ go = false;
+ }
+ } finally {
+ tt.done();
+ }
+ if(go) {
+ tt = trans.start("AAF Change Password",Env.REMOTE);
+ try {
+ // Change over Cred to reset mode
+ cred.setPassword(password);
+ String start = trans.get(startDate, null);
+ if(start!=null) {
+ try {
+ cred.setStart(Chrono.timeStamp(Chrono.dateOnlyFmt.parse(start)));
+ } catch (ParseException e) {
+ throw new CadiException(e);
+ }
+ }
+ Future fcr = client.create(
+ "/authn/cred",
+ gui.credReqDF,
+ cred
+ );
+ if(fcr.get(5000)) {
+ // Do Remote Call
+ hgen.p("New Password has been added.");
+ fail = false;
+ } else {
+ gui.writeError(trans, fcr, hgen);
+ }
+ } finally {
+ tt.done();
+ }
+ }
+ return fail;
+ }
+ });
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ hgen.p("Unknown Error");
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ hgen.br();
+ if(fail) {
+ hgen.incr("a",true,"href="+PassChangeForm.HREF+"?id="+id).text("Try again").end();
+ } else {
+ hgen.incr("a",true,"href="+Home.HREF).text("Home").end();
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ }
diff --git a/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/PassChangeForm.java b/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/PassChangeForm.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4172235a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/PassChangeForm.java
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ *******************************************************************************/
+package com.att.authz.gui.pages;
+import static com.att.xgen.html.HTMLGen.TABLE;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import com.att.authz.env.AuthzTrans;
+import com.att.authz.gui.AuthGUI;
+import com.att.authz.gui.BreadCrumbs;
+import com.att.authz.gui.NamedCode;
+import com.att.authz.gui.Page;
+import com.att.inno.env.APIException;
+import com.att.inno.env.Slot;
+import com.att.xgen.Cache;
+import com.att.xgen.DynamicCode;
+import com.att.xgen.Mark;
+import com.att.xgen.html.HTMLGen;
+public class PassChangeForm extends Page {
+ // Package on purpose
+ static final String HREF = "/gui/passwd";
+ static final String NAME = "PassChange";
+ static final String fields[] = {"id","current","password","password2","startDate"};
+ public PassChangeForm(final AuthGUI gui, final Page ... breadcrumbs) throws APIException, IOException {
+ super(gui.env,NAME,HREF, fields,
+ new BreadCrumbs(breadcrumbs),
+ new NamedCode(true,"content") {
+ private final Slot sID = gui.env.slot(PassChangeForm.NAME+'.'+PassChangeForm.fields[0]);
+ @Override
+ public void code(final Cache cache, final HTMLGen hgen) throws APIException, IOException {
+ // p tags not closing right using .p() - causes issues in IE8 password form - so using leaf for the moment
+ hgen.leaf("p").text("You are requesting a new Mechanical Password in the AAF System. " +
+ "So that you can perform clean migrations, you will be able to use both this " +
+ "new password and the old one until their respective expiration dates.").end()
+ .leaf("p").text("Note: You must be a Namespace Admin where the MechID resides.").end()
+ .incr("form","method=post");
+ Mark table = new Mark(TABLE);
+ hgen.incr(table);
+ cache.dynamic(hgen, new DynamicCode() {
+ @Override
+ public void code(AuthGUI gui, AuthzTrans trans, Cache cache, HTMLGen hgen) throws APIException, IOException {
+// GregorianCalendar gc = new GregorianCalendar();
+// System.out.println(gc.toString());
+ String incomingID= trans.get(sID, "");
+ hgen
+ .input(fields[0],"ID*",true,"value="+incomingID)
+ .input(fields[1],"Current Password*",true,"type=password")
+ .input(fields[2],"New Password*",true, "type=password")
+ .input(fields[3], "Reenter New Password*",true, "type=password")
+// .input(fields[3],"Start Date",false,"type=date", "value="+
+// Chrono.dateOnlyFmt.format(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()))
+// )
+ .end();
+ }
+ });
+ hgen.end();
+ hgen.tagOnly("input", "type=submit", "value=Submit")
+ .end();
+ }
+ });
+ }
diff --git a/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/PendingRequestsShow.java b/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/PendingRequestsShow.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c0dd3f7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/PendingRequestsShow.java
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ *******************************************************************************/
+package com.att.authz.gui.pages;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.net.ConnectException;
+import java.text.DateFormat;
+import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.Comparator;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.UUID;
+import com.att.authz.env.AuthzTrans;
+import com.att.authz.gui.AuthGUI;
+import com.att.authz.gui.BreadCrumbs;
+import com.att.authz.gui.NamedCode;
+import com.att.authz.gui.Page;
+import com.att.authz.gui.Table;
+import com.att.authz.gui.Table.Cells;
+import com.att.authz.gui.table.AbsCell;
+import com.att.authz.gui.table.RefCell;
+import com.att.authz.gui.table.TextCell;
+import com.att.cadi.CadiException;
+import com.att.cadi.client.Future;
+import com.att.cadi.client.Rcli;
+import com.att.cadi.client.Retryable;
+import com.att.inno.env.APIException;
+import com.att.inno.env.Env;
+import com.att.inno.env.TimeTaken;
+import com.att.xgen.Cache;
+import com.att.xgen.DynamicCode;
+import com.att.xgen.html.HTMLGen;
+import aaf.v2_0.Approval;
+import aaf.v2_0.Approvals;
+public class PendingRequestsShow extends Page {
+ public static final String HREF = "/gui/myrequests";
+ public static final String NAME = "MyRequests";
+ static final String WEBPHONE = "http://webphone.att.com/cgi-bin/webphones.pl?id=";
+ private static final String DATE_TIME_FORMAT = "yyyy-MM-dd";
+ public PendingRequestsShow(final AuthGUI gui, final Page ... breadcrumbs) throws APIException, IOException {
+ super(gui.env, NAME,HREF, NO_FIELDS,
+ new BreadCrumbs(breadcrumbs),
+ new NamedCode(true,"expedite") {
+ @Override
+ public void code(final Cache cache, final HTMLGen hgen) throws APIException, IOException {
+ cache.dynamic(hgen, new DynamicCode() {
+ @Override
+ public void code(AuthGUI gui, AuthzTrans trans, Cache cache, HTMLGen hgen) throws APIException, IOException {
+ hgen
+ .leaf("p", "class=expedite_request").text("These are your submitted Requests that are awaiting Approval. ")
+ .br()
+ .text("To Expedite a Request: ")
+ .leaf("a","href=#expedite_directions","onclick=divVisibility('expedite_directions');")
+ .text("Click Here").end()
+ .divID("expedite_directions", "style=display:none");
+ hgen
+ .incr(HTMLGen.OL)
+ .incr(HTMLGen.LI)
+ .leaf("a","href="+ApprovalForm.HREF+"?user="+trans.user(), "id=userApprove")
+ .text("Copy This Link")
+ .end()
+ .end()
+ .incr(HTMLGen.LI)
+ .text("Send it to the Approver Listed")
+ .end()
+ .end()
+ .text("NOTE: Using this link, the Approver will only see your requests. You only need to send this link once!")
+ .end()
+ .end();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ new Table("Pending Requests",gui.env.newTransNoAvg(),new Model(), "class=std")
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Implement the Table Content for Requests by User
+ *
+ *
+ */
+ private static class Model implements Table.Data {
+ private static final String CSP_ATT_COM = "@csp.att.com";
+ final long NUM_100NS_INTERVALS_SINCE_UUID_EPOCH = 0x01b21dd213814000L;
+ private static final String[] headers = new String[] {"Request Date","Status","Memo","Approver"};
+ @Override
+ public String[] headers() {
+ return headers;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Cells get(final AuthGUI gui, final AuthzTrans trans) {
+ DateFormat createdDF = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_TIME_FORMAT);
+ ArrayList rv = new ArrayList();
+ try {
+ gui.clientAsUser(trans.getUserPrincipal(), new Retryable() {
+ @Override
+ public Void code(Rcli> client)throws CadiException, ConnectException, APIException {
+ TimeTaken tt = trans.start("AAF Get Approvals by User",Env.REMOTE);
+ try {
+ Future fa = client.read("/authz/approval/user/"+trans.user(),gui.approvalsDF);
+ if(fa.get(5000)) {
+ tt.done();
+ tt = trans.start("Load Data", Env.SUB);
+ if(fa.value!=null) {
+ List approvals = fa.value.getApprovals();
+ Collections.sort(approvals, new Comparator() {
+ @Override
+ public int compare(Approval a1, Approval a2) {
+ UUID id1 = UUID.fromString(a1.getId());
+ UUID id2 = UUID.fromString(a2.getId());
+ return id1.timestamp()<=id2.timestamp()?1:-1;
+ }
+ });
+ String prevTicket = null;
+ for(Approval a : approvals) {
+ String approver = a.getApprover();
+ String approverShort = approver.substring(0,approver.indexOf('@'));
+ AbsCell tsCell = null;
+ String ticket = a.getTicket();
+ if (ticket.equals(prevTicket)) {
+ tsCell = AbsCell.Null;
+ } else {
+ UUID id = UUID.fromString(a.getId());
+ tsCell = new RefCell(createdDF.format((id.timestamp() - NUM_100NS_INTERVALS_SINCE_UUID_EPOCH)/10000),
+ RequestDetail.HREF + "?ticket=" + a.getTicket());
+ prevTicket = ticket;
+ }
+ AbsCell approverCell = null;
+ if (approver.endsWith(CSP_ATT_COM)) {
+ approverCell = new RefCell(approver, WEBPHONE + approverShort);
+ } else {
+ approverCell = new TextCell(approver);
+ }
+ AbsCell[] sa = new AbsCell[] {
+ tsCell,
+ new TextCell(a.getStatus()),
+ new TextCell(a.getMemo()),
+ approverCell
+ };
+ rv.add(sa);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ gui.writeError(trans, fa, null);
+ }
+ } finally {
+ tt.done();
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ });
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ trans.error().log(e);
+ }
+ return new Cells(rv,null);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/PermDetail.java b/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/PermDetail.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..784642cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/PermDetail.java
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ *******************************************************************************/
+package com.att.authz.gui.pages;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.net.ConnectException;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import com.att.aft.dme2.internal.jetty.http.HttpStatus;
+import com.att.authz.env.AuthzEnv;
+import com.att.authz.env.AuthzTrans;
+import com.att.authz.gui.AuthGUI;
+import com.att.authz.gui.BreadCrumbs;
+import com.att.authz.gui.Page;
+import com.att.authz.gui.Table;
+import com.att.authz.gui.Table.Cells;
+import com.att.authz.gui.table.AbsCell;
+import com.att.authz.gui.table.RefCell;
+import com.att.authz.gui.table.TextCell;
+import com.att.cadi.CadiException;
+import com.att.cadi.client.Future;
+import com.att.cadi.client.Rcli;
+import com.att.cadi.client.Retryable;
+import com.att.inno.env.APIException;
+import com.att.inno.env.Env;
+import com.att.inno.env.Slot;
+import com.att.inno.env.TimeTaken;
+import aaf.v2_0.Perm;
+import aaf.v2_0.Perms;
+ * Detail Page for Permissions
+ *
+ */
+public class PermDetail extends Page {
+ public static final String HREF = "/gui/permdetail";
+ public static final String NAME = "PermDetail";
+ private static final String BLANK = "";
+ public PermDetail(final AuthGUI gui, Page ... breadcrumbs) throws APIException, IOException {
+ super(gui.env, NAME, HREF, new String[] {"type","instance","action"},
+ new BreadCrumbs(breadcrumbs),
+ new Table("Permission Details",gui.env.newTransNoAvg(),new Model(gui.env()),"class=detail")
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Implement the table content for Permissions Detail
+ *
+ *
+ */
+ private static class Model implements Table.Data {
+ private static final String[] headers = new String[0];
+ private Slot type, instance, action;
+ public Model(AuthzEnv env) {
+ type = env.slot(NAME+".type");
+ instance = env.slot(NAME+".instance");
+ action = env.slot(NAME+".action");
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String[] headers() {
+ return headers;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Cells get(final AuthGUI gui, final AuthzTrans trans) {
+ final String pType = trans.get(type, null);
+ final String pInstance = trans.get(instance, null);
+ final String pAction = trans.get(action, null);
+ if(pType==null || pInstance==null || pAction==null) {
+ return Cells.EMPTY;
+ }
+ ArrayList rv = new ArrayList();
+ rv.add(new AbsCell[]{new TextCell("Type:"),new TextCell(pType)});
+ rv.add(new AbsCell[]{new TextCell("Instance:"),new TextCell(pInstance)});
+ rv.add(new AbsCell[]{new TextCell("Action:"),new TextCell(pAction)});
+ try {
+ gui.clientAsUser(trans.getUserPrincipal(), new Retryable() {
+ @Override
+ public Void code(Rcli> client)throws CadiException, ConnectException, APIException {
+ TimeTaken tt = trans.start("AAF Perm Details",Env.REMOTE);
+ try {
+ Future fp= client.read("/authz/perms/"+pType + '/' + pInstance + '/' + pAction,gui.permsDF);
+ if(fp.get(AuthGUI.TIMEOUT)) {
+ tt.done();
+ tt = trans.start("Load Data", Env.SUB);
+ List ps = fp.value.getPerm();
+ if(!ps.isEmpty()) {
+ Perm perm = fp.value.getPerm().get(0);
+ String desc = (perm.getDescription()!=null?perm.getDescription():BLANK);
+ rv.add(new AbsCell[]{new TextCell("Description:"),new TextCell(desc)});
+ boolean first=true;
+ for(String r : perm.getRoles()) {
+ if(first){
+ first=false;
+ rv.add(new AbsCell[] {
+ new TextCell("Associated Roles:"),
+ new TextCell(r)
+ });
+ } else {
+ rv.add(new AbsCell[] {
+ AbsCell.Null,
+ new TextCell(r)
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ String historyLink = PermHistory.HREF
+ + "?type=" + pType + "&instance=" + pInstance + "&action=" + pAction;
+ rv.add(new AbsCell[] {new RefCell("See History",historyLink)});
+ } else {
+ rv.add(new AbsCell[] {new TextCell(
+ fp.code()==HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND_404?
+ "*** Implicit Permission ***":
+ "*** Data Unavailable ***"
+ )});
+ }
+ } finally {
+ tt.done();
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ });
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ return new Cells(rv,null);
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/PermGrantAction.java b/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/PermGrantAction.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a7aacc20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/PermGrantAction.java
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ *******************************************************************************/
+package com.att.authz.gui.pages;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.net.ConnectException;
+import com.att.authz.env.AuthzTrans;
+import com.att.authz.gui.AuthGUI;
+import com.att.authz.gui.BreadCrumbs;
+import com.att.authz.gui.NamedCode;
+import com.att.authz.gui.Page;
+import com.att.cadi.CadiException;
+import com.att.cadi.client.Future;
+import com.att.cadi.client.Rcli;
+import com.att.cadi.client.Retryable;
+import com.att.inno.env.APIException;
+import com.att.inno.env.Env;
+import com.att.inno.env.Slot;
+import com.att.inno.env.TimeTaken;
+import com.att.xgen.Cache;
+import com.att.xgen.DynamicCode;
+import com.att.xgen.html.HTMLGen;
+import aaf.v2_0.Pkey;
+import aaf.v2_0.RolePermRequest;
+public class PermGrantAction extends Page {
+ public PermGrantAction(final AuthGUI gui, final Page ... breadcrumbs) throws APIException, IOException {
+ super(gui.env,PermGrantForm.NAME, PermGrantForm.HREF, PermGrantForm.fields,
+ new BreadCrumbs(breadcrumbs),
+ new NamedCode(true,"content") {
+ final Slot sType = gui.env.slot(PermGrantForm.NAME+'.'+PermGrantForm.fields[0]);
+ final Slot sInstance = gui.env.slot(PermGrantForm.NAME+'.'+PermGrantForm.fields[1]);
+ final Slot sAction = gui.env.slot(PermGrantForm.NAME+'.'+PermGrantForm.fields[2]);
+ final Slot sRole = gui.env.slot(PermGrantForm.NAME+'.'+PermGrantForm.fields[3]);
+ @Override
+ public void code(Cache cache, HTMLGen hgen) throws APIException, IOException {
+ cache.dynamic(hgen, new DynamicCode() {
+ @Override
+ public void code(final AuthGUI gui, final AuthzTrans trans,Cache cache, HTMLGen hgen) throws APIException, IOException {
+ String type = trans.get(sType,null);
+ String instance = trans.get(sInstance,null);
+ String action = trans.get(sAction,null);
+ String role = trans.get(sRole,null);
+ String lastPage = PermGrantForm.HREF
+ + "?type=" + type + "&instance=" + instance + "&action=" + action;
+ // Run Validations
+ boolean fail = true;
+ TimeTaken tt = trans.start("AAF Grant Permission to Role",Env.REMOTE);
+ try {
+ final RolePermRequest grantReq = new RolePermRequest();
+ Pkey pkey = new Pkey();
+ pkey.setType(type);
+ pkey.setInstance(instance);
+ pkey.setAction(action);
+ grantReq.setPerm(pkey);
+ grantReq.setRole(role);
+ fail = gui.clientAsUser(trans.getUserPrincipal(), new Retryable() {
+ @Override
+ public Boolean code(Rcli> client) throws CadiException, ConnectException, APIException {
+ boolean fail = true;
+ Future fgrant = client.create(
+ "/authz/role/perm",
+ gui.rolePermReqDF,
+ grantReq
+ );
+ if(fgrant.get(5000)) {
+ hgen.p("Permission has been granted to role.");
+ fail = false;
+ } else {
+ if (202==fgrant.code()) {
+ hgen.p("Permission Grant Request sent, but must be Approved before actualizing");
+ fail = false;
+ } else {
+ gui.writeError(trans, fgrant, hgen);
+ }
+ }
+ return fail;
+ }
+ });
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ hgen.p("Unknown Error");
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ } finally {
+ tt.done();
+ }
+ hgen.br();
+ hgen.incr("a",true,"href="+lastPage);
+ if (fail) {
+ hgen.text("Try again");
+ } else {
+ hgen.text("Grant this Permission to Another Role");
+ }
+ hgen.end();
+ hgen.js()
+ .text("alterLink('permgrant', '"+lastPage + "');")
+ .done();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ }
diff --git a/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/PermGrantForm.java b/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/PermGrantForm.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bd3884f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/PermGrantForm.java
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ *******************************************************************************/
+package com.att.authz.gui.pages;
+import static com.att.xgen.html.HTMLGen.TABLE;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.net.ConnectException;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import com.att.authz.env.AuthzTrans;
+import com.att.authz.gui.AuthGUI;
+import com.att.authz.gui.BreadCrumbs;
+import com.att.authz.gui.NamedCode;
+import com.att.authz.gui.Page;
+import com.att.cadi.CadiException;
+import com.att.cadi.client.Future;
+import com.att.cadi.client.Rcli;
+import com.att.cadi.client.Retryable;
+import com.att.inno.env.APIException;
+import com.att.inno.env.Env;
+import com.att.inno.env.Slot;
+import com.att.inno.env.TimeTaken;
+import com.att.xgen.Cache;
+import com.att.xgen.DynamicCode;
+import com.att.xgen.Mark;
+import com.att.xgen.html.HTMLGen;
+import aaf.v2_0.Role;
+import aaf.v2_0.Roles;
+public class PermGrantForm extends Page {
+ static final String HREF = "/gui/permgrant";
+ static final String NAME = "Permission Grant";
+ static final String fields[] = {"type","instance","action","role"};
+ public PermGrantForm(final AuthGUI gui, final Page ... breadcrumbs) throws APIException, IOException {
+ super(gui.env,NAME,HREF, fields,
+ new BreadCrumbs(breadcrumbs),
+ new NamedCode(true,"content") {
+ @Override
+ public void code(final Cache cache, final HTMLGen hgen) throws APIException, IOException {
+ final Slot type = gui.env.slot(NAME+".type");
+ final Slot instance = gui.env.slot(NAME+".instance");
+ final Slot action = gui.env.slot(NAME+".action");
+ final Slot role = gui.env.slot(NAME+".role");
+ // p tags not closing right using .p() - causes issues in IE8 password form - so using leaf for the moment
+ hgen.leaf("p").text("Choose a role to grant to this permission").end()
+ .incr("form","method=post");
+ Mark table = new Mark(TABLE);
+ hgen.incr(table);
+ cache.dynamic(hgen, new DynamicCode() {
+ @Override
+ public void code(AuthGUI gui, AuthzTrans trans, Cache cache, HTMLGen hgen) throws APIException, IOException {
+ Mark copyRoleJS = new Mark();
+ hgen.js(copyRoleJS);
+ hgen.text("function copyRole(role) {");
+ hgen.text("var txtRole = document.querySelector(\"#role\");");
+// hgen.text("if (role==;");
+ hgen.text("txtRole.value=role;");
+ hgen.text("}");
+ hgen.end(copyRoleJS);
+ String typeValue = trans.get(type, "");
+ String instanceValue = trans.get(instance, "");
+ String actionValue = trans.get(action, "");
+ String roleValue = trans.get(role,null);
+ List myRoles = getMyRoles(gui, trans);
+ hgen
+ .input(fields[0],"Perm Type",true,"value="+typeValue,"disabled")
+ .input(fields[1],"Perm Instance",true,"value="+instanceValue,"disabled")
+ .input(fields[2],"Perm Action",true,"value="+actionValue,"disabled");
+ // select & options are not an input type, so we must create table row & cell tags
+ Mark selectRow = new Mark();
+ hgen
+ .incr(selectRow, "tr")
+ .incr("td")
+ .incr("label", "for=myroles", "required").text("My Roles").end()
+ .end()
+ .incr("td")
+ .incr("select", "name=myroles", "id=myroles", "onchange=copyRole(this.value)")
+ .incr("option", "value=").text("Select one of my roles").end();
+ for (String role : myRoles) {
+ hgen.incr("option", "value="+role).text(role).end();
+ }
+ hgen
+ .incr("option", "value=").text("Other").end()
+ .end(selectRow);
+ if(roleValue==null) {
+ hgen.input(fields[3],"Role", true, "placeholder=or type a role here");
+ } else {
+ hgen.input(fields[3],"Role",true, "value="+roleValue);
+ }
+ hgen.end();
+ }
+ });
+ hgen.end();
+ hgen.tagOnly("input", "type=submit", "value=Submit")
+ .end();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ private static List getMyRoles(final AuthGUI gui, final AuthzTrans trans) {
+ List myRoles = new ArrayList();
+ try {
+ gui.clientAsUser(trans.getUserPrincipal(), new Retryable() {
+ @Override
+ public Void code(Rcli> client) throws CadiException, ConnectException, APIException {
+ TimeTaken tt = trans.start("AAF get my roles",Env.REMOTE);
+ try {
+ Future fr = client.read("/authz/roles/user/"+trans.user(),gui.rolesDF);
+ if(fr.get(5000)) {
+ tt.done();
+ tt = trans.start("Load Data", Env.SUB);
+ if (fr.value != null) for (Role r : fr.value.getRole()) {
+ myRoles.add(r.getName());
+ }
+ } else {
+ gui.writeError(trans, fr, null);
+ }
+ } finally {
+ tt.done();
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ });
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ return myRoles;
+ }
diff --git a/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/PermHistory.java b/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/PermHistory.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0a204051
--- /dev/null
+++ b/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/PermHistory.java
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ *******************************************************************************/
+package com.att.authz.gui.pages;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.net.ConnectException;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Calendar;
+import java.util.Comparator;
+import java.util.List;
+import com.att.authz.env.AuthzEnv;
+import com.att.authz.env.AuthzTrans;
+import com.att.authz.gui.AuthGUI;
+import com.att.authz.gui.BreadCrumbs;
+import com.att.authz.gui.NamedCode;
+import com.att.authz.gui.Page;
+import com.att.authz.gui.Table;
+import com.att.authz.gui.Table.Cells;
+import com.att.authz.gui.table.AbsCell;
+import com.att.authz.gui.table.RefCell;
+import com.att.authz.gui.table.TextCell;
+import com.att.cadi.CadiException;
+import com.att.cadi.client.Future;
+import com.att.cadi.client.Rcli;
+import com.att.cadi.client.Retryable;
+import com.att.inno.env.APIException;
+import com.att.inno.env.Env;
+import com.att.inno.env.Slot;
+import com.att.inno.env.TimeTaken;
+import com.att.xgen.Cache;
+import com.att.xgen.DynamicCode;
+import com.att.xgen.html.HTMLGen;
+import aaf.v2_0.History;
+import aaf.v2_0.History.Item;
+public class PermHistory extends Page {
+ static final String NAME="PermHistory";
+ static final String HREF = "/gui/permHistory";
+ static final String FIELDS[] = {"type","instance","action","dates"};
+ static final String WEBPHONE = "http://webphone.att.com/cgi-bin/webphones.pl?id=";
+ public PermHistory(final AuthGUI gui, final Page ... breadcrumbs) throws APIException, IOException {
+ super(gui.env,NAME,HREF, FIELDS,
+ new BreadCrumbs(breadcrumbs),
+ new Table("History", gui.env.newTransNoAvg(),new Model(gui.env()),"class=std"),
+ new NamedCode(true, "content") {
+ @Override
+ public void code(final Cache cache, final HTMLGen hgen) throws APIException, IOException {
+ final Slot sType = gui.env.slot(NAME+".type");
+ final Slot sInstance = gui.env.slot(NAME+".instance");
+ final Slot sAction = gui.env.slot(NAME+".action");
+ cache.dynamic(hgen, new DynamicCode() {
+ @Override
+ public void code(AuthGUI gui, AuthzTrans trans, Cache cache, HTMLGen hgen) throws APIException, IOException {
+ String type = trans.get(sType, null);
+ String instance = trans.get(sInstance,null);
+ String action = trans.get(sAction,null);
+ // Use Javascript to make the table title more descriptive
+ hgen.js()
+ .text("var caption = document.querySelector(\".title\");")
+ .text("caption.innerHTML='History for Permission [ " + type + " ]';")
+ .done();
+ // Use Javascript to change Link Target to our last visited Detail page
+ String lastPage = PermDetail.HREF + "?type=" + type
+ + "&instance=" + instance
+ + "&action=" + action;
+ hgen.js()
+ .text("alterLink('permdetail', '"+lastPage + "');")
+ .done();
+ hgen.br();
+ hgen.leaf("a", "href=#advanced_search", "onclick=divVisibility('advanced_search');").text("Advanced Search").end()
+ .divID("advanced_search", "style=display:none");
+ hgen.incr("table");
+ addDateRow(hgen,"Start Date");
+ addDateRow(hgen,"End Date");
+ hgen.incr("tr").incr("td");
+ hgen.tagOnly("input", "type=button","value=Get History",
+ "onclick=datesURL('"+HREF+"?type=" + type
+ + "&instance=" + instance
+ + "&action=" + action+"');");
+ hgen.end().end();
+ hgen.end();
+ hgen.end();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ private static void addDateRow(HTMLGen hgen, String s) {
+ hgen
+ .incr("tr")
+ .incr("td")
+ .incr("label", "for=month", "required").text(s+"*").end()
+ .end()
+ .incr("td")
+ .incr("select", "name=month"+s.substring(0, s.indexOf(' ')), "id=month"+s.substring(0, s.indexOf(' ')), "required")
+ .incr("option", "value=").text("Month").end();
+ for (Month m : Month.values()) {
+ if (Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.MONTH) == m.ordinal()) {
+ hgen.incr("option", "selected", "value="+(m.ordinal()+1)).text(m.name()).end();
+ } else {
+ hgen.incr("option", "value="+(m.ordinal()+1)).text(m.name()).end();
+ }
+ }
+ hgen.end()
+ .end()
+ .incr("td")
+ .tagOnly("input","type=number","id=year"+s.substring(0, s.indexOf(' ')),"required",
+ "value="+Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR), "min=1900",
+ "max="+Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR),
+ "placeholder=Year").end()
+ .end();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Implement the Table Content for History
+ *
+ *
+ */
+ private static class Model implements Table.Data {
+ private static final String CSP_ATT_COM = "@csp.att.com";
+ private static final String[] headers = new String[] {"Date","User","Memo"};
+ private Slot sType;
+ private Slot sDates;
+ public Model(AuthzEnv env) {
+ sType = env.slot(NAME+".type");
+ sDates = env.slot(NAME+".dates");
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String[] headers() {
+ return headers;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Cells get(final AuthGUI gui, final AuthzTrans trans) {
+ final String oName = trans.get(sType,null);
+ final String oDates = trans.get(sDates,null);
+ if(oName==null) {
+ return Cells.EMPTY;
+ }
+ ArrayList rv = new ArrayList();
+ String msg = null;
+ try {
+ gui.clientAsUser(trans.getUserPrincipal(), new Retryable() {
+ @Override
+ public Void code(Rcli> client) throws CadiException, ConnectException, APIException {
+ TimeTaken tt = trans.start("AAF Get History for Permission ["+oName+"]",Env.REMOTE);
+ try {
+ if (oDates != null) {
+ client.setQueryParams("yyyymm="+oDates);
+ }
+ Future fh = client.read(
+ "/authz/hist/perm/"+oName,
+ gui.historyDF
+ );
+ if (fh.get(AuthGUI.TIMEOUT)) {
+ tt.done();
+ tt = trans.start("Load History Data", Env.SUB);
+ List- histItems = fh.value.getItem();
+ java.util.Collections.sort(histItems, new Comparator
- () {
+ @Override
+ public int compare(Item o1, Item o2) {
+ return o2.getTimestamp().compare(o1.getTimestamp());
+ }
+ });
+ for (Item i : histItems) {
+ String user = i.getUser();
+ AbsCell userCell = (user.endsWith(CSP_ATT_COM)?
+ new RefCell(user,WEBPHONE + user.substring(0,user.indexOf('@'))):new TextCell(user));
+ rv.add(new AbsCell[] {
+ new TextCell(i.getTimestamp().toGregorianCalendar().getTime().toString()),
+ userCell,
+ new TextCell(i.getMemo())
+ });
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (fh.code()==403) {
+ rv.add(new AbsCell[] {new TextCell("You may not view History of Permission [" + oName + "]", "colspan = 3", "class=center")});
+ } else {
+ rv.add(new AbsCell[] {new TextCell("*** Data Unavailable ***", "colspan = 3", "class=center")});
+ }
+ }
+ } finally {
+ tt.done();
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ });
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ trans.error().log(e);
+ }
+ return new Cells(rv,msg);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/PermsShow.java b/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/PermsShow.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9af71ef7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/PermsShow.java
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ *******************************************************************************/
+package com.att.authz.gui.pages;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.net.ConnectException;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import com.att.authz.env.AuthzTrans;
+import com.att.authz.gui.AuthGUI;
+import com.att.authz.gui.BreadCrumbs;
+import com.att.authz.gui.Page;
+import com.att.authz.gui.Table;
+import com.att.authz.gui.Table.Cells;
+import com.att.authz.gui.table.AbsCell;
+import com.att.authz.gui.table.RefCell;
+import com.att.authz.gui.table.TextCell;
+import com.att.cadi.CadiException;
+import com.att.cadi.client.Future;
+import com.att.cadi.client.Rcli;
+import com.att.cadi.client.Retryable;
+import com.att.inno.env.APIException;
+import com.att.inno.env.Env;
+import com.att.inno.env.TimeTaken;
+import aaf.v2_0.Perm;
+import aaf.v2_0.Perms;
+ * Page content for My Permissions
+ *
+ *
+ */
+public class PermsShow extends Page {
+ public static final String HREF = "/gui/myperms";
+ public PermsShow(final AuthGUI gui, final Page ... breadcrumbs) throws APIException, IOException {
+ super(gui.env, "MyPerms",HREF, NO_FIELDS,
+ new BreadCrumbs(breadcrumbs),
+ new Table("Permissions",gui.env.newTransNoAvg(),new Model(), "class=std"));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Implement the Table Content for Permissions by User
+ *
+ *
+ */
+ private static class Model implements Table.Data {
+ private static final String[] headers = new String[] {"Type","Instance","Action"};
+ @Override
+ public String[] headers() {
+ return headers;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Cells get(final AuthGUI gui, final AuthzTrans trans) {
+ ArrayList rv = new ArrayList();
+ TimeTaken tt = trans.start("AAF Perms by User",Env.REMOTE);
+ try {
+ gui.clientAsUser(trans.getUserPrincipal(), new Retryable() {
+ @Override
+ public Void code(Rcli> client) throws CadiException, ConnectException, APIException {
+ Future fp = client.read("/authz/perms/user/"+trans.user(), gui.permsDF);
+ if(fp.get(5000)) {
+ TimeTaken ttld = trans.start("Load Data", Env.SUB);
+ try {
+ if(fp.value!=null) {
+ for(Perm p : fp.value.getPerm()) {
+ AbsCell[] sa = new AbsCell[] {
+ new RefCell(p.getType(),PermDetail.HREF
+ +"?type="+p.getType()
+ +"&instance="+p.getInstance()
+ +"&action="+p.getAction()),
+ new TextCell(p.getInstance()),
+ new TextCell(p.getAction())
+ };
+ rv.add(sa);
+ }
+ } else {
+ gui.writeError(trans, fp, null);
+ }
+ } finally {
+ ttld.done();
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ });
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ trans.error().log(e);
+ } finally {
+ tt.done();
+ }
+ return new Cells(rv,null);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/RequestDetail.java b/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/RequestDetail.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a2d06cdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/RequestDetail.java
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ *******************************************************************************/
+package com.att.authz.gui.pages;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.net.ConnectException;
+import java.text.DateFormat;
+import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.UUID;
+import com.att.authz.env.AuthzEnv;
+import com.att.authz.env.AuthzTrans;
+import com.att.authz.gui.AuthGUI;
+import com.att.authz.gui.BreadCrumbs;
+import com.att.authz.gui.Page;
+import com.att.authz.gui.Table;
+import com.att.authz.gui.Table.Cells;
+import com.att.authz.gui.table.AbsCell;
+import com.att.authz.gui.table.RefCell;
+import com.att.authz.gui.table.TextCell;
+import com.att.cadi.CadiException;
+import com.att.cadi.client.Future;
+import com.att.cadi.client.Rcli;
+import com.att.cadi.client.Retryable;
+import com.att.inno.env.APIException;
+import com.att.inno.env.Env;
+import com.att.inno.env.Slot;
+import com.att.inno.env.TimeTaken;
+import aaf.v2_0.Approval;
+import aaf.v2_0.Approvals;
+public class RequestDetail extends Page {
+ public static final String HREF = "/gui/requestdetail";
+ public static final String NAME = "RequestDetail";
+ private static final String DATE_TIME_FORMAT = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss";
+ public static final String[] FIELDS = {"ticket"};
+ public RequestDetail(final AuthGUI gui, Page ... breadcrumbs) throws APIException, IOException {
+ super(gui.env, NAME, HREF, FIELDS,
+ new BreadCrumbs(breadcrumbs),
+ new Table("Request Details",gui.env.newTransNoAvg(),new Model(gui.env()),"class=detail")
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Implement the table content for Request Detail
+ *
+ *
+ */
+ private static class Model implements Table.Data {
+ static final String WEBPHONE = "http://webphone.att.com/cgi-bin/webphones.pl?id=";
+ private static final String CSP_ATT_COM = "@csp.att.com";
+ final long NUM_100NS_INTERVALS_SINCE_UUID_EPOCH = 0x01b21dd213814000L;
+ private static final String[] headers = new String[0];
+ private Slot sTicket;
+ public Model(AuthzEnv env) {
+ sTicket = env.slot(NAME+".ticket");
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String[] headers() {
+ return headers;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Cells get(final AuthGUI gui, final AuthzTrans trans) {
+ Cells rv=Cells.EMPTY;
+ final String ticket = trans.get(sTicket, null);
+ if(ticket!=null) {
+ try {
+ rv = gui.clientAsUser(trans.getUserPrincipal(), new Retryable() {
+ @Override
+ public Cells code(Rcli> client) throws CadiException, ConnectException, APIException {
+ TimeTaken tt = trans.start("AAF Approval Details",Env.REMOTE);
+ ArrayList rv = new ArrayList();
+ try {
+ Future fa = client.read(
+ "/authz/approval/ticket/"+ticket,
+ gui.approvalsDF
+ );
+ if(fa.get(AuthGUI.TIMEOUT)) {
+ if (!trans.user().equals(fa.value.getApprovals().get(0).getUser())) {
+ return Cells.EMPTY;
+ }
+ tt.done();
+ tt = trans.start("Load Data", Env.SUB);
+ boolean first = true;
+ for ( Approval approval : fa.value.getApprovals()) {
+ AbsCell[] approverLine = new AbsCell[4];
+ // only print common elements once
+ if (first) {
+ DateFormat createdDF = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_TIME_FORMAT);
+ UUID id = UUID.fromString(approval.getId());
+ rv.add(new AbsCell[]{new TextCell("Ticket ID:"),new TextCell(approval.getTicket(),"colspan=3")});
+ rv.add(new AbsCell[]{new TextCell("Memo:"),new TextCell(approval.getMemo(),"colspan=3")});
+ rv.add(new AbsCell[]{new TextCell("Requested On:"),
+ new TextCell(createdDF.format((id.timestamp() - NUM_100NS_INTERVALS_SINCE_UUID_EPOCH)/10000),"colspan=3")
+ });
+ rv.add(new AbsCell[]{new TextCell("Operation:"),new TextCell(decodeOp(approval.getOperation()),"colspan=3")});
+ String user = approval.getUser();
+ if (user.endsWith(CSP_ATT_COM)) {
+ rv.add(new AbsCell[]{new TextCell("User:"),
+ new RefCell(user,WEBPHONE + user.substring(0, user.indexOf("@")),"colspan=3")});
+ } else {
+ rv.add(new AbsCell[]{new TextCell("User:"),new TextCell(user,"colspan=3")});
+ }
+ // headers for listing each approver
+ rv.add(new AbsCell[]{new TextCell(" ","colspan=4","class=blank_line")});
+ rv.add(new AbsCell[]{AbsCell.Null,
+ new TextCell("Approver","class=bold"),
+ new TextCell("Type","class=bold"),
+ new TextCell("Status","class=bold")});
+ approverLine[0] = new TextCell("Approvals:");
+ first = false;
+ } else {
+ approverLine[0] = AbsCell.Null;
+ }
+ String approver = approval.getApprover();
+ String approverShort = approver.substring(0,approver.indexOf('@'));
+ if (approver.endsWith(CSP_ATT_COM)) {
+ approverLine[1] = new RefCell(approver, WEBPHONE + approverShort);
+ } else {
+ approverLine[1] = new TextCell(approval.getApprover());
+ }
+ String type = approval.getType();
+ if ("owner".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) {
+ type = "resource owner";
+ }
+ approverLine[2] = new TextCell(type);
+ approverLine[3] = new TextCell(approval.getStatus());
+ rv.add(approverLine);
+ }
+ } else {
+ rv.add(new AbsCell[] {new TextCell("*** Data Unavailable ***")});
+ }
+ } finally {
+ tt.done();
+ }
+ return new Cells(rv,null);
+ }
+ });
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ trans.error().log(e);
+ }
+ }
+ return rv;
+ }
+ private String decodeOp(String operation) {
+ if ("C".equalsIgnoreCase(operation)) {
+ return "Create";
+ } else if ("D".equalsIgnoreCase(operation)) {
+ return "Delete";
+ } else if ("U".equalsIgnoreCase(operation)) {
+ return "Update";
+ } else if ("G".equalsIgnoreCase(operation)) {
+ return "Grant";
+ } else if ("UG".equalsIgnoreCase(operation)) {
+ return "Un-Grant";
+ }
+ return operation;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/RoleDetail.java b/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/RoleDetail.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..426928b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/RoleDetail.java
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ *******************************************************************************/
+package com.att.authz.gui.pages;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.net.ConnectException;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import com.att.authz.env.AuthzEnv;
+import com.att.authz.env.AuthzTrans;
+import com.att.authz.gui.AuthGUI;
+import com.att.authz.gui.BreadCrumbs;
+import com.att.authz.gui.Page;
+import com.att.authz.gui.Table;
+import com.att.authz.gui.Table.Cells;
+import com.att.authz.gui.table.AbsCell;
+import com.att.authz.gui.table.RefCell;
+import com.att.authz.gui.table.TextCell;
+import com.att.cadi.CadiException;
+import com.att.cadi.client.Future;
+import com.att.cadi.client.Rcli;
+import com.att.cadi.client.Retryable;
+import com.att.inno.env.APIException;
+import com.att.inno.env.Env;
+import com.att.inno.env.Slot;
+import com.att.inno.env.TimeTaken;
+import aaf.v2_0.Pkey;
+import aaf.v2_0.Role;
+import aaf.v2_0.Roles;
+ * Detail Page for Permissions
+ *
+ *
+ */
+public class RoleDetail extends Page {
+ public static final String HREF = "/gui/roledetail";
+ public static final String NAME = "RoleDetail";
+ private static final String BLANK = "";
+ public RoleDetail(final AuthGUI gui, Page ... breadcrumbs) throws APIException, IOException {
+ super(gui.env, NAME, HREF, new String[] {"role"},
+ new BreadCrumbs(breadcrumbs),
+ new Table("Role Details",gui.env.newTransNoAvg(),new Model(gui.env()),"class=detail")
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Implement the table content for Permissions Detail
+ *
+ *
+ */
+ private static class Model implements Table.Data {
+ private static final String[] headers = new String[0];
+ private Slot role;
+ public Model(AuthzEnv env) {
+ role = env.slot(NAME+".role");
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String[] headers() {
+ return headers;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Cells get(final AuthGUI gui, final AuthzTrans trans) {
+ final String pRole = trans.get(role, null);
+ Cells rv = Cells.EMPTY;
+ if(pRole!=null) {
+ try {
+ rv = gui.clientAsUser(trans.getUserPrincipal(), new Retryable() {
+ @Override
+ public Cells code(Rcli> client) throws CadiException, ConnectException, APIException {
+ ArrayList rv = new ArrayList();
+ rv.add(new AbsCell[]{new TextCell("Role:"),new TextCell(pRole)});
+ TimeTaken tt = trans.start("AAF Role Details",Env.REMOTE);
+ try {
+ Future fr = client.read("/authz/roles/"+pRole,gui.rolesDF);
+ if(fr.get(AuthGUI.TIMEOUT)) {
+ tt.done();
+ tt = trans.start("Load Data", Env.SUB);
+ Role role = fr.value.getRole().get(0);
+ String desc = (role.getDescription()!=null?role.getDescription():BLANK);
+ rv.add(new AbsCell[]{new TextCell("Description:"),new TextCell(desc)});
+ boolean first=true;
+ for(Pkey r : role.getPerms()) {
+ if(first){
+ first=false;
+ rv.add(new AbsCell[] {
+ new TextCell("Associated Permissions:"),
+ new TextCell(r.getType() +
+ " | " + r.getInstance() +
+ " | " + r.getAction()
+ )
+ });
+ } else {
+ rv.add(new AbsCell[] {
+ AbsCell.Null,
+ new TextCell(r.getType() +
+ " | " + r.getInstance() +
+ " | " + r.getAction()
+ )
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ String historyLink = RoleHistory.HREF
+ + "?role=" + pRole;
+ rv.add(new AbsCell[] {new RefCell("See History",historyLink)});
+ } else {
+ rv.add(new AbsCell[] {new TextCell("*** Data Unavailable ***")});
+ }
+ } finally {
+ tt.done();
+ }
+ return new Cells(rv,null);
+ }
+ });
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ trans.error().log(e);
+ }
+ }
+ return rv;
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/RoleHistory.java b/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/RoleHistory.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..80f1bc51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/RoleHistory.java
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ *******************************************************************************/
+package com.att.authz.gui.pages;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.net.ConnectException;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Calendar;
+import java.util.Comparator;
+import java.util.List;
+import com.att.authz.env.AuthzEnv;
+import com.att.authz.env.AuthzTrans;
+import com.att.authz.gui.AuthGUI;
+import com.att.authz.gui.BreadCrumbs;
+import com.att.authz.gui.NamedCode;
+import com.att.authz.gui.Page;
+import com.att.authz.gui.Table;
+import com.att.authz.gui.Table.Cells;
+import com.att.authz.gui.table.AbsCell;
+import com.att.authz.gui.table.RefCell;
+import com.att.authz.gui.table.TextCell;
+import com.att.cadi.CadiException;
+import com.att.cadi.client.Future;
+import com.att.cadi.client.Rcli;
+import com.att.cadi.client.Retryable;
+import com.att.inno.env.APIException;
+import com.att.inno.env.Env;
+import com.att.inno.env.Slot;
+import com.att.inno.env.TimeTaken;
+import com.att.xgen.Cache;
+import com.att.xgen.DynamicCode;
+import com.att.xgen.html.HTMLGen;
+import aaf.v2_0.History;
+import aaf.v2_0.History.Item;
+public class RoleHistory extends Page {
+ static final String NAME="RoleHistory";
+ static final String HREF = "/gui/roleHistory";
+ static final String FIELDS[] = {"role","dates"};
+ static final String WEBPHONE = "http://webphone.att.com/cgi-bin/webphones.pl?id=";
+ public RoleHistory(final AuthGUI gui, final Page ... breadcrumbs) throws APIException, IOException {
+ super(gui.env,NAME,HREF, FIELDS,
+ new BreadCrumbs(breadcrumbs),
+ new Table("History", gui.env.newTransNoAvg(),new Model(gui.env()),"class=std"),
+ new NamedCode(true, "content") {
+ @Override
+ public void code(final Cache cache, final HTMLGen hgen) throws APIException, IOException {
+ final Slot role = gui.env.slot(NAME+".role");
+ cache.dynamic(hgen, new DynamicCode() {
+ @Override
+ public void code(AuthGUI gui, AuthzTrans trans, Cache cache, HTMLGen hgen) throws APIException, IOException {
+ String obRole = trans.get(role, null);
+ // Use Javascript to make the table title more descriptive
+ hgen.js()
+ .text("var caption = document.querySelector(\".title\");")
+ .text("caption.innerHTML='History for Role [ " + obRole + " ]';")
+ .done();
+ // Use Javascript to change Link Target to our last visited Detail page
+ String lastPage = RoleDetail.HREF + "?role=" + obRole;
+ hgen.js()
+ .text("alterLink('roledetail', '"+lastPage + "');")
+ .done();
+ hgen.br();
+ hgen.leaf("a", "href=#advanced_search","onclick=divVisibility('advanced_search');").text("Advanced Search").end()
+ .divID("advanced_search", "style=display:none");
+ hgen.incr("table");
+ addDateRow(hgen,"Start Date");
+ addDateRow(hgen,"End Date");
+ hgen.incr("tr").incr("td");
+ hgen.tagOnly("input", "type=button","value=Get History",
+ "onclick=datesURL('"+HREF+"?role=" + obRole+"');");
+ hgen.end().end();
+ hgen.end();
+ hgen.end();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ private static void addDateRow(HTMLGen hgen, String s) {
+ hgen
+ .incr("tr")
+ .incr("td")
+ .incr("label", "for=month", "required").text(s+"*").end()
+ .end()
+ .incr("td")
+ .incr("select", "name=month"+s.substring(0, s.indexOf(' ')), "id=month"+s.substring(0, s.indexOf(' ')), "required")
+ .incr("option", "value=").text("Month").end();
+ for (Month m : Month.values()) {
+ if (Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.MONTH) == m.ordinal()) {
+ hgen.incr("option", "selected", "value="+(m.ordinal()+1)).text(m.name()).end();
+ } else {
+ hgen.incr("option", "value="+(m.ordinal()+1)).text(m.name()).end();
+ }
+ }
+ hgen.end()
+ .end()
+ .incr("td")
+ .tagOnly("input","type=number","id=year"+s.substring(0, s.indexOf(' ')),"required",
+ "value="+Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR), "min=1900",
+ "max="+Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR),
+ "placeholder=Year").end()
+ .end();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Implement the Table Content for History
+ *
+ *
+ */
+ private static class Model implements Table.Data {
+ private static final String CSP_ATT_COM = "@csp.att.com";
+ private static final String[] headers = new String[] {"Date","User","Memo"};
+ private Slot role;
+ private Slot dates;
+ public Model(AuthzEnv env) {
+ role = env.slot(NAME+".role");
+ dates = env.slot(NAME+".dates");
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String[] headers() {
+ return headers;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Cells get(final AuthGUI gui, final AuthzTrans trans) {
+ final String oName = trans.get(role,null);
+ final String oDates = trans.get(dates,null);
+ Cells rv = Cells.EMPTY;
+ if(oName!=null) {
+ try {
+ rv = gui.clientAsUser(trans.getUserPrincipal(), new Retryable() {
+ @Override
+ public Cells code(Rcli> client) throws CadiException, ConnectException, APIException {
+ ArrayList rv = new ArrayList();
+ TimeTaken tt = trans.start("AAF Get History for Namespace ["+oName+"]",Env.REMOTE);
+ String msg = null;
+ try {
+ if (oDates != null) {
+ client.setQueryParams("yyyymm="+oDates);
+ }
+ Future fh = client.read("/authz/hist/role/"+oName,gui.historyDF);
+ if (fh.get(AuthGUI.TIMEOUT)) {
+ tt.done();
+ tt = trans.start("Load History Data", Env.SUB);
+ List
- histItems = fh.value.getItem();
+ java.util.Collections.sort(histItems, new Comparator
- () {
+ @Override
+ public int compare(Item o1, Item o2) {
+ return o2.getTimestamp().compare(o1.getTimestamp());
+ }
+ });
+ for (Item i : histItems) {
+ String user = i.getUser();
+ AbsCell userCell = (user.endsWith(CSP_ATT_COM)?
+ new RefCell(user,WEBPHONE + user.substring(0,user.indexOf('@'))):new TextCell(user));
+ rv.add(new AbsCell[] {
+ new TextCell(i.getTimestamp().toGregorianCalendar().getTime().toString()),
+ userCell,
+ new TextCell(i.getMemo())
+ });
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (fh.code()==403) {
+ rv.add(new AbsCell[] {new TextCell("You may not view History of Permission [" + oName + "]", "colspan = 3", "class=center")});
+ } else {
+ rv.add(new AbsCell[] {new TextCell("*** Data Unavailable ***", "colspan = 3", "class=center")});
+ }
+ }
+ } finally {
+ tt.done();
+ }
+ return new Cells(rv,msg);
+ }
+ });
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ trans.error().log(e);
+ }
+ }
+ return rv;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/RolesShow.java b/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/RolesShow.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e1d93eeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/RolesShow.java
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ *******************************************************************************/
+package com.att.authz.gui.pages;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.net.ConnectException;
+import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import com.att.authz.env.AuthzTrans;
+import com.att.authz.gui.AuthGUI;
+import com.att.authz.gui.BreadCrumbs;
+import com.att.authz.gui.Page;
+import com.att.authz.gui.Table;
+import com.att.authz.gui.Table.Cells;
+import com.att.authz.gui.table.AbsCell;
+import com.att.authz.gui.table.RefCell;
+import com.att.authz.gui.table.TextCell;
+import com.att.cadi.CadiException;
+import com.att.cadi.client.Future;
+import com.att.cadi.client.Rcli;
+import com.att.cadi.client.Retryable;
+import com.att.inno.env.APIException;
+import com.att.inno.env.Env;
+import com.att.inno.env.TimeTaken;
+import com.att.inno.env.util.Chrono;
+import aaf.v2_0.UserRole;
+import aaf.v2_0.UserRoles;
+ * Page content for My Roles
+ *
+ *
+ */
+public class RolesShow extends Page {
+ public static final String HREF = "/gui/myroles";
+ private static final String DATE_TIME_FORMAT = "yyyy-MM-dd";
+ private static SimpleDateFormat expiresDF;
+ static {
+ expiresDF = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_TIME_FORMAT);
+ }
+ public RolesShow(final AuthGUI gui, final Page ... breadcrumbs) throws APIException, IOException {
+ super(gui.env, "MyRoles",HREF, NO_FIELDS,
+ new BreadCrumbs(breadcrumbs),
+ new Table("Roles",gui.env.newTransNoAvg(),new Model(), "class=std"));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Implement the Table Content for Permissions by User
+ *
+ *
+ */
+ private static class Model implements Table.Data {
+ private static final String[] headers = new String[] {"Role","Expires","Remediation","Actions"};
+ @Override
+ public String[] headers() {
+ return headers;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Cells get(final AuthGUI gui, final AuthzTrans trans) {
+ Cells rv = Cells.EMPTY;
+ try {
+ rv = gui.clientAsUser(trans.getUserPrincipal(), new Retryable() {
+ @Override
+ public Cells code(Rcli> client) throws CadiException, ConnectException, APIException {
+ ArrayList rv = new ArrayList();
+ TimeTaken tt = trans.start("AAF Roles by User",Env.REMOTE);
+ try {
+ Future fur = client.read("/authz/userRoles/user/"+trans.user(),gui.userrolesDF);
+ if (fur.get(5000)) {
+ if(fur.value != null) for (UserRole u : fur.value.getUserRole()) {
+ if(u.getExpires().compare(Chrono.timeStamp()) < 0) {
+ AbsCell[] sa = new AbsCell[] {
+ new TextCell(u.getRole() + "*", "class=expired"),
+ new TextCell(expiresDF.format(u.getExpires().toGregorianCalendar().getTime()),"class=expired"),
+ new RefCell("Extend",
+ UserRoleExtend.HREF + "?user="+trans.user()+"&role="+u.getRole(),
+ new String[]{"class=expired"}),
+ new RefCell("Remove",
+ UserRoleRemove.HREF + "?user="+trans.user()+"&role="+u.getRole(),
+ new String[]{"class=expired"})
+ };
+ rv.add(sa);
+ } else {
+ AbsCell[] sa = new AbsCell[] {
+ new RefCell(u.getRole(),
+ RoleDetail.HREF+"?role="+u.getRole()),
+ new TextCell(expiresDF.format(u.getExpires().toGregorianCalendar().getTime())),
+ AbsCell.Null,
+ new RefCell("Remove",
+ UserRoleRemove.HREF + "?user="+trans.user()+"&role="+u.getRole())
+ };
+ rv.add(sa);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } finally {
+ tt.done();
+ }
+ return new Cells(rv,null);
+ }
+ });
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ trans.error().log(e);
+ }
+ return rv;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/UserRoleExtend.java b/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/UserRoleExtend.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1dc057da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/UserRoleExtend.java
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ *******************************************************************************/
+package com.att.authz.gui.pages;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.net.ConnectException;
+import com.att.authz.env.AuthzTrans;
+import com.att.authz.gui.AuthGUI;
+import com.att.authz.gui.BreadCrumbs;
+import com.att.authz.gui.NamedCode;
+import com.att.authz.gui.Page;
+import com.att.cadi.CadiException;
+import com.att.cadi.client.Future;
+import com.att.cadi.client.Rcli;
+import com.att.cadi.client.Retryable;
+import com.att.inno.env.APIException;
+import com.att.inno.env.Env;
+import com.att.inno.env.Slot;
+import com.att.inno.env.TimeTaken;
+import com.att.xgen.Cache;
+import com.att.xgen.DynamicCode;
+import com.att.xgen.html.HTMLGen;
+public class UserRoleExtend extends Page {
+ public static final String HREF = "/gui/urExtend";
+ static final String NAME = "Extend User Role";
+ static final String fields[] = {"user","role"};
+ public UserRoleExtend(final AuthGUI gui, final Page ... breadcrumbs) throws APIException, IOException {
+ super(gui.env,NAME, HREF, fields,
+ new BreadCrumbs(breadcrumbs),
+ new NamedCode(true, "content") {
+ @Override
+ public void code(final Cache cache, final HTMLGen hgen) throws APIException, IOException {
+ final Slot sUser = gui.env.slot(NAME+".user");
+ final Slot sRole = gui.env.slot(NAME+".role");
+ cache.dynamic(hgen, new DynamicCode() {
+ @Override
+ public void code(AuthGUI gui, AuthzTrans trans, Cache cache, HTMLGen hgen) throws APIException, IOException {
+ final String user = trans.get(sUser, "");
+ final String role = trans.get(sRole, "");
+ TimeTaken tt = trans.start("Request to extend user role",Env.REMOTE);
+ try {
+ gui.clientAsUser(trans.getUserPrincipal(), new Retryable() {
+ @Override
+ public Void code(Rcli> client)throws CadiException, ConnectException, APIException {
+ Future fv = client.setQueryParams("request=true").update("/authz/userRole/extend/"+user+"/"+role);
+ if(fv.get(5000)) {
+ // not sure if we'll ever hit this
+ hgen.p("Extended User ["+ user+"] in Role [" +role+"]");
+ } else {
+ if (fv.code() == 202 ) {
+ hgen.p("User ["+ user+"] in Role [" +role+"] Extension sent for Approval");
+ } else {
+ gui.writeError(trans, fv, hgen);
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ });
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ trans.error().log(e);
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ } finally {
+ tt.done();
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ }
diff --git a/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/UserRoleRemove.java b/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/UserRoleRemove.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0140a7f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/UserRoleRemove.java
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ *******************************************************************************/
+package com.att.authz.gui.pages;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.net.ConnectException;
+import com.att.authz.env.AuthzTrans;
+import com.att.authz.gui.AuthGUI;
+import com.att.authz.gui.BreadCrumbs;
+import com.att.authz.gui.NamedCode;
+import com.att.authz.gui.Page;
+import com.att.cadi.CadiException;
+import com.att.cadi.client.Future;
+import com.att.cadi.client.Rcli;
+import com.att.cadi.client.Retryable;
+import com.att.inno.env.APIException;
+import com.att.inno.env.Env;
+import com.att.inno.env.Slot;
+import com.att.inno.env.TimeTaken;
+import com.att.xgen.Cache;
+import com.att.xgen.DynamicCode;
+import com.att.xgen.html.HTMLGen;
+public class UserRoleRemove extends Page {
+ public static final String HREF = "/gui/urRemove";
+ static final String NAME = "Remove User Role";
+ static final String fields[] = {"user","role"};
+ public UserRoleRemove(final AuthGUI gui, final Page ... breadcrumbs) throws APIException, IOException {
+ super(gui.env,NAME, HREF, fields,
+ new BreadCrumbs(breadcrumbs),
+ new NamedCode(true, "content") {
+ @Override
+ public void code(final Cache cache, final HTMLGen hgen) throws APIException, IOException {
+ final Slot sUser = gui.env.slot(NAME+".user");
+ final Slot sRole = gui.env.slot(NAME+".role");
+ cache.dynamic(hgen, new DynamicCode() {
+ @Override
+ public void code(AuthGUI gui, AuthzTrans trans, Cache cache, HTMLGen hgen) throws APIException, IOException {
+ final String user = trans.get(sUser, "");
+ final String role = trans.get(sRole, "");
+ TimeTaken tt = trans.start("Request a user role delete",Env.REMOTE);
+ try {
+ gui.clientAsUser(trans.getUserPrincipal(), new Retryable() {
+ @Override
+ public Void code(Rcli> client) throws CadiException, ConnectException, APIException {
+ Future fv = client.setQueryParams("request=true").delete(
+ "/authz/userRole/"+user+"/"+role,Void.class);
+ if(fv.get(5000)) {
+ // not sure if we'll ever hit this
+ hgen.p("User ["+ user+"] Removed from Role [" +role+"]");
+ } else {
+ if (fv.code() == 202 ) {
+ hgen.p("User ["+ user+"] Removal from Role [" +role+"] sent for Approval");
+ } else {
+ gui.writeError(trans, fv, hgen);
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ });
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ } finally {
+ tt.done();
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ }
diff --git a/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/WebCommand.java b/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/WebCommand.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a13beb58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/pages/WebCommand.java
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ *******************************************************************************/
+package com.att.authz.gui.pages;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import com.att.authz.env.AuthzTrans;
+import com.att.authz.gui.AuthGUI;
+import com.att.authz.gui.BreadCrumbs;
+import com.att.authz.gui.NamedCode;
+import com.att.authz.gui.Page;
+import com.att.inno.env.APIException;
+import com.att.xgen.Cache;
+import com.att.xgen.DynamicCode;
+import com.att.xgen.Mark;
+import com.att.xgen.html.HTMLGen;
+public class WebCommand extends Page {
+ public static final String HREF = "/gui/cui";
+ public WebCommand(final AuthGUI gui, final Page ... breadcrumbs) throws APIException, IOException {
+ super(gui.env, "Web Command Client",HREF, NO_FIELDS,
+ new BreadCrumbs(breadcrumbs),
+ new NamedCode(true, "content") {
+ @Override
+ public void code(Cache cache, HTMLGen hgen) throws APIException, IOException {
+ hgen.leaf("p","id=help_msg")
+ .text("Questions about this page? ")
+ .leaf("a", "href=http://wiki.web.att.com/display/aaf/Web+CUI+Usage", "target=_blank")
+ .text("Click here")
+ .end()
+ .text(". Type 'help' below for a list of AAF commands")
+ .end()
+ .divID("console_and_options");
+ hgen.divID("console_area");
+ hgen.end(); //console_area
+ hgen.divID("options_link", "class=closed");
+ hgen.img("src=../../theme/options_down.png", "onclick=handleDivHiding('options',this);",
+ "id=options_img", "alt=Options", "title=Options")
+ .end(); //options_link
+ hgen.divID("options");
+ cache.dynamic(hgen, new DynamicCode() {
+ @Override
+ public void code(AuthGUI state, AuthzTrans trans, Cache cache, HTMLGen xgen)
+ throws APIException, IOException {
+ switch(browser(trans,trans.env().slot(getBrowserType()))) {
+ case ie:
+ case ieOld:
+ // IE doesn't support file save
+ break;
+ default:
+ xgen.img("src=../../theme/AAFdownload.png", "onclick=saveToFile();",
+ "alt=Save log to file", "title=Save log to file");
+ }
+// xgen.img("src=../../theme/AAFemail.png", "onclick=emailLog();",
+// "alt=Email log to me", "title=Email log to me");
+ xgen.img("src=../../theme/AAF_font_size.png", "onclick=handleDivHiding('text_slider',this);",
+ "id=fontsize_img", "alt=Change text size", "title=Change text size");
+ xgen.img("src=../../theme/AAF_details.png", "onclick=selectOption(this,0);",
+ "id=details_img", "alt=Turn on/off details mode", "title=Turn on/off details mode");
+ xgen.img("src=../../theme/AAF_maximize.png", "onclick=maximizeConsole(this);",
+ "id=maximize_img", "alt=Maximize Console Window", "title=Maximize Console Window");
+ }
+ });
+ hgen.divID("text_slider");
+ hgen.tagOnly("input", "type=button", "class=change_font", "onclick=buttonChangeFontSize('dec')", "value=-")
+ .tagOnly("input", "id=text_size_slider", "type=range", "min=75", "max=200", "value=100",
+ "oninput=changeFontSize(this.value)", "onchange=changeFontSize(this.value)", "title=Change Text Size")
+ .tagOnly("input", "type=button", "class=change_font", "onclick=buttonChangeFontSize('inc')", "value=+")
+ .end(); //text_slider
+ hgen.end(); //options
+ hgen.end(); //console_and_options
+ hgen.divID("input_area");
+ hgen.tagOnly("input", "type=text", "id=command_field",
+ "autocomplete=off", "autocorrect=off", "autocapitalize=off", "spellcheck=false",
+ "onkeypress=keyPressed()", "placeholder=Type your AAFCLI commands here", "autofocus")
+ .tagOnly("input", "id=submit", "type=button", "value=Submit",
+ "onclick=http('put','../../gui/cui',getCommand(),callCUI);")
+ .end();
+ Mark callCUI = new Mark();
+ hgen.js(callCUI);
+ hgen.text("function callCUI(resp) {")
+ .text("moveCommandToDiv();")
+ .text("printResponse(resp);")
+ .text("}");
+ hgen.end(callCUI);
+ }
+ });
+ }
diff --git a/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/table/AbsCell.java b/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/table/AbsCell.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eb91c22a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/table/AbsCell.java
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ *******************************************************************************/
+package com.att.authz.gui.table;
+import com.att.xgen.html.HTMLGen;
+public abstract class AbsCell {
+ private static final String[] NONE = new String[0];
+ protected static final String[] CENTER = new String[]{"class=center"};
+ /**
+ * Write Cell Data with HTMLGen generator
+ * @param hgen
+ */
+ public abstract void write(HTMLGen hgen);
+ public final static AbsCell Null = new AbsCell() {
+ @Override
+ public void write(final HTMLGen hgen) {
+ }
+ };
+ public String[] attrs() {
+ return NONE;
+ }
diff --git a/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/table/ButtonCell.java b/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/table/ButtonCell.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4c270cfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/table/ButtonCell.java
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ *******************************************************************************/
+package com.att.authz.gui.table;
+import com.att.xgen.html.HTMLGen;
+public class ButtonCell extends AbsCell {
+ private String[] attrs;
+ public ButtonCell(String value, String ... attributes) {
+ attrs = new String[2+attributes.length];
+ attrs[0]="type=button";
+ attrs[1]="value="+value;
+ System.arraycopy(attributes, 0, attrs, 2, attributes.length);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void write(HTMLGen hgen) {
+ hgen.incr("input",true,attrs).end();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String[] attrs() {
+ return AbsCell.CENTER;
+ }
diff --git a/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/table/RadioCell.java b/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/table/RadioCell.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b4fa6440
--- /dev/null
+++ b/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/table/RadioCell.java
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ *******************************************************************************/
+package com.att.authz.gui.table;
+import com.att.xgen.html.HTMLGen;
+public class RadioCell extends AbsCell {
+ private String[] attrs;
+ public RadioCell(String name, String radioClass, String value, String ... attributes) {
+ attrs = new String[4+attributes.length];
+ attrs[0]="type=radio";
+ attrs[1]="name="+name;
+ attrs[2]="class="+radioClass;
+ attrs[3]="value="+value;
+ System.arraycopy(attributes, 0, attrs, 4, attributes.length);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void write(HTMLGen hgen) {
+ hgen.incr("input",true,attrs).end();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String[] attrs() {
+ return AbsCell.CENTER;
+ }
diff --git a/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/table/RefCell.java b/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/table/RefCell.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..49719837
--- /dev/null
+++ b/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/table/RefCell.java
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ *******************************************************************************/
+package com.att.authz.gui.table;
+import static com.att.xgen.html.HTMLGen.A;
+import com.att.xgen.html.HTMLGen;
+ * Write a Reference Link into a Cell
+ *
+ */
+public class RefCell extends AbsCell {
+ public final String name;
+ public final String href;
+ private String[] attrs;
+ public RefCell(String name, String href, String... attributes) {
+ attrs = new String[attributes.length];
+ System.arraycopy(attributes, 0, attrs, 0, attributes.length);
+ this.name = name;
+ this.href = href;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void write(HTMLGen hgen) {
+ hgen.leaf(A,"href="+href).text(name);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String[] attrs() {
+ return attrs;
+ }
diff --git a/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/table/TextAndRefCell.java b/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/table/TextAndRefCell.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1c25361b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/table/TextAndRefCell.java
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ *******************************************************************************/
+package com.att.authz.gui.table;
+import static com.att.xgen.html.HTMLGen.A;
+import com.att.xgen.html.HTMLGen;
+public class TextAndRefCell extends RefCell {
+ private String text;
+ public TextAndRefCell(String text, String name, String href, String[] attributes) {
+ super(name, href, attributes);
+ this.text = text;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void write(HTMLGen hgen) {
+ hgen.text(text);
+ hgen.leaf(A,"href="+href).text(name);
+ }
diff --git a/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/table/TextCell.java b/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/table/TextCell.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d0987920
--- /dev/null
+++ b/authz-gui/src/main/java/com/att/authz/gui/table/TextCell.java
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ *******************************************************************************/
+package com.att.authz.gui.table;
+import com.att.xgen.html.HTMLGen;
+ * Write Simple Text into a Cell
+ *
+ */
+public class TextCell extends AbsCell {
+ public final String name;
+ private String[] attrs;
+ public TextCell(String name, String... attributes) {
+ attrs = new String[attributes.length];
+ System.arraycopy(attributes, 0, attrs, 0, attributes.length);
+ this.name = name;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void write(HTMLGen hgen) {
+ hgen.text(name);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String[] attrs() {
+ return attrs;
+ }
cgit 1.2.3-korg